
Monday, February 11, 2013

Hello Monday and Thank You

Hello friends! I thought today would be the perfect day to send you a little love note. Part early Valentine and a heaping helping of Thank You!

I want to thank all of my lovely readers, new and old. You make my shiny place here sparkle even more. Thank you to all the new followers. Thank you for all of the wonderful comments you take the time to leave, I read every one and so appreciate your kind words and your saying "Hello".

I have been taking some time away from my computer of late, I think we all need to do that from time to time, but I'm feeling refreshed and ready to jump back in. Perhaps it is the arrival of the Lunar New Year, new beginnings and all. I am so looking forward to the coming days! And you my friends, are a big part of that.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart, your'e simply the best!



  1. It is a joy to see you pop up on my Reader and see what you have been up brightens my day every time! xo

  2. I'm not SURPRISED you needed a break from the computer. Boy have you been BIZZY! Love your work, Mrs.

  3. So pretty!! Have a lovely week! xo Heather

  4. Sometimes in the murky background, but hanging in there, and visiting when I can. xo

  5. I've only found you quite recently but am enjoying all of your quirky posts!

  6. You inspire, so we couldn't do it without you.... you know!
    happy days...
    Daisy x

  7. Dear Alex
    Thank you for your Thank You! I love visiting this shiny space of yours and I'm sure it becomes more beautiful each time I pop by. Your photos of recent posts are stunning and they certainly lift my spirits.
    Thanks to you too - for popping by to visit me :-)

  8. Loving that a few of my favourite bloggers are popping back in :)

    I am feeling creative too. Must be something in the water ;)

  9. I am a very new reader, but as we are doing thank you's I want to thank you to all the work you put into your blog,

    Shirley x

  10. LOVE the love notes...The colors are PERFECT, too!


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.