
Monday, February 25, 2013

Mending Monday

You all know I have a soft spot for orphan quilts, right? Perhaps not the prettiest, definitely not the much sought after antiques - though sometimes vintage, those wonky first attempts, those gifts given that were perhaps not to the taste of the giftee, or those that have been well used and loved, yet still ended up orphaned on the racks at the local thrift.

The other day I needed a little pick-me-up and wandered into my local thrift store, my girl needed some new blue jeans and I needed to wander amongst the cluttered shelves for a look-see.  There on the rack of dodgy flannelette sheets was just such an orphan quilt. A plaid 9 patch number, "Well hello funny face!" said I. I noted it's hundreds of loose threads, it's random corner of floral patches, and the occasional open seam.

Of course none of these things deterred me, in fact they only served to endear me even more.  And so into my basket went the orphan quilt and then it came home with me.  It has gone through a good washing and a close inspection.  No matter the iffy nature of any quilt one finds at the local thrift, I know all too well how much work goes into each and every one.

So today is mending day, and as I clip loose threads and mend ripped seams, I think about the making of this quirky little quilt.  Sometimes I make up a story about the person whose hands toiled to craft it, a story about the quilt's life.  The quilts I find may not be the prettiest or the most well made, but I love them all the same.

Oh, and those blue jeans need hemming and maybe a bluebird or two and some butterflies.  I'd better get to it!

Happy Monday!


  1. I'm so glad it has found a loving home. :)
    Love those little bluebirds!!!

  2. I am much the same - we have just such a quilt on our bed at the moment. I haven't quite got to mending all those ripped seams though.

  3. A perfect day to do mending, especially on a wonkny quilt with a good story woven into it as you go along. Also, I have discovered, that those 'lost & found' quilts seem to keep one that much warmer. xo

  4. I'm glad I wasn't with you, as blood may have been shed during the fight over who's basket in went in to!

  5. That's a lovely quilt! I think the tartan on the 9 patches is fantastic! l have made up a real' back- story' for my Reunion quilt. With the fabrics, you really can tell something about the makers' lives. And I saw the family who sold me my Reunion quilt in the local magazine last month - they have a new baby! I kind of wish they'd kept my quilt, though!

  6. Well, with mending like that, Mending Monday almost sounds enjoyable! Gorgeous quilty find!

  7. I am happy to see that I am not the only one who cares for all the work quilters put into their items. I have rescued a few in my time. This one may not be the best looking specimen but it certainly gives a homely feel. Cherrie

  8. It's a good day for mending with bits of sporadic sun here and there. I always get a little sad when I see something homemade - something that someone has put hours and hours of work into - sitting on the shelves at the thrift store, and I wonder about the story behind it. I think it's really neat that you're giving this quilt a second chance.

  9. Oh, I think the quilt is a pretty treasure!! Loving those cute birdies!! Happy week to you! xo Heather

  10. when we go to SC in the spring and stay with my cousins, Mary takes me thrifting and antiquing and my favourite purchases are such quilts- they form a precious cargo to bring home and often when I'm laundering and mending and oohing and aahing, I think that such a humble little quilt, in competition with all those GRAND patterns, antique fabrics and perfect stitching- but which one has been so admired (and albeit so inexpensive!) that its travelled 1000s of miles to live in its new home!

  11. I'm glad you rescued that quilt.. It's good to remember the work that goes into these things, and the memories in the fabrics too.

  12. I would love to see what the whole quilt looks like - the curiosity is killing me!

  13. How lovely that the quilt has been adopted by someone who sees its beauty and knows how to care for it :)

  14. That is a pretty quilt. You did a fantastic job restoring it!

    If you're interested, please stop by and say hello at I'd love to hear from you!


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