
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Think Spring

As the dark clouds gather overhead with the promise of rain for days, I am thinking Spring.  The Daphne bush outside my bedroom window is laden with dark pink buds and I look forward to the heady perfume they will give once the flowers bloom.  Tulips are popping up in the neighborhood, the magic of Crocus Pokus are carpeting the roots of old trees and little green shoots are making their way up through the soil.

As soon as this rain clears up I have big plans for getting dirt under my fingernails and getting the garden ready for planting time.  Of course it could still be awhile, but it's nice to dream.

Is it looking like Spring in your neck of the woods?  Are you someplace getting ready for an entirely different season?

Pocket full of Posies - Fabric Wall Vases Pattern from my book Simple Sewing with Lola Nova. Signed copies available in my etsy shop.


  1. That, I have to say, is a very clever and BEAUTIFUL idea :)

  2. Yesterday, the weather here was beautiful and felt like Spring was already here. Today, it is cloudy but the weatherman said clearing, so there is still hope for towels on the line.

    Looking at your precious 'Pocket full of Posies' makes me dream of my favorite Spring flower...the Lilac.

    Speaking of your book, I gave it to my sister for Christmas and she is using it learn to sew, carefully following your directions and doing a very good job.

    Have a lovely day, my friend! xo

  3. It has been bright and sunny here today but very, very cold, I'm dreaming of spring though! :)

  4. WE live in the mountains so no spring for us until about april, even then we can still get more snow! Still, love seeing other people enjoying an early spring! I will be setting away my seeds indoors soon but they won't be planted out until June!

  5. Spring still seems a bit far here - it is bitterly cold and the only flowers out are snowdrops!

    Pomona x

  6. The sun has been shinning through the windows this week, trouble is it means I can see they need cleaning. I do love Spring though.

  7. I'm dreaming of spring here too! But today has felt more like winter again.

    These vases look so pretty :)

  8. Daphne is a favourite and those vases are so lovely. Still very summery here but I can feel autumn in the air..x

  9. Beautiful, and I am eager for spring to arrive! xo Heather

  10. I'd be happy with spring, though right now when we're at the end heat wave and now it's beginning again , i'm thinking of autumn alot, and wishing it would hurry up!!xo

  11. We had such a wonderful spring day on Tuesday. Spent all day in the park in the sun. The kids in t shirts freckles coming out and a mild case of sunburn for me. Yesterday however, back to freezing windy Feb weather.

  12. Oh those buds on the bush outside your window sound so lovely. I planted a few forsythia, lilac and rose bushes outside our front windows last Spring and can't wait for the blooms! We are still a frozen wasteland around here, but i do see the birds courting and some squirrel shenanigans going on outside my windows. It takes us a little longer over here, but signs of Spring are starting to show! Happy Weekend my Friend!

  13. The way you covered the vase is exquisite! Love it! No Spring here in Southwestern Iowa - We had a big snowfall starting Thurs afternoon and I'm looking out at about 8-10" of beautiful white cover sparkling with gorgeous sunshine.

    Nancy in Iowa

  14. We've finally got some sunshine back, and even some birdsong! I saw a whole gaggle of geese last week, and I assume they're flying BACK from warmer places, so I'm taking that as a sign of hope! Now if it would just warm up....


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