
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Origami Market Bag Tutorial

Here is the tutorial for my Origami Market Bag in case you missed it the first time over on WhipUp.

I decided to whip up a simple tutorial for a handmade market bag called “The Origami Market Bag”. The name is taken from its unique folding technique. It makes up in a flash and is nice and roomy for all of your market treasure.

My version of this bag was originally based on a bag I received many, many years ago that was handmade by a family friend from the Philippines. That first bag was made from old cotton rice sacks (similar to vintage flour sacks) and the handles tied in a knot. Not long after receiving it, I made my own bag using a couple of bandannas sewn together. In the years since, I have seen many versions of this very simple bag. Many variations of it have shown up as craft trends come and go, then come around again. I have seen similar patterns in vintage craft books, Japanese craft pattern books and high end leather bags on the runway. I have even seen some in macramé! This is my updated version of that original bag that I received years ago.

You will need fabric, thread, scissors and a sewing machine.

For the fabric, I suggest something a little heavier such as: canvas, linen, denim, or home décor type weight.
We start off with a piece of fabric whose length is 3 times the width. I found using a piece that is 17” X 51” (43cm X 130cm) makes a good size bag; you can play around with sizes if you like.

Once you have cut your piece of fabric to size, hem all of the raw edges.

(In the following photos I’ve used a smaller piece of unfinished fabric just to show the folding technique)
Start by laying your fabric with your hems facing away from you and follow the folding technique as shown below.

Now pin and stitch as shown for both sides of the bag. I used about a 1cm seam allowance.

It is ok if your bag is a little off center, this may happen if your hems are not perfectly even to one another.
Now that you have sewn your 2 seams, you can leave the bag as is for a nice triangle shape, or you can create some shape by sewing boxed corners, or simple angled corners. Now turn your bag right side out and press if needed.

The next step is to create the handle for your bag. I used some coordinating fabric for a handle.
Cut a piece of fabric that is 3.5” X 6.5” (aprox. 9cm X 16.5cm) turn under and hem the 2 short sides of this piece. Fold the piece in half length-wise with right sides together and stitch raw edges with a ¼” (just under 1cm) seam allowance and turn right side out creating a tube.

Take one of the long top triangles of your bag and thread it through the tube of fabric as shown. Overlap the other top piece with the bit you have threaded through the tube and pin. Now stitch in place. Slide the tube over the stitched overlapped section and center it.

Ta Da! You now have your very own Origami Market Bag!

Go ahead and make a few more, you know you want to!

Please note, this tutorial is intended for personal use only. Therefore, do not reproduce, sell or commercialize in any form. Thanks for understanding!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Getting the Band Back Together

I know I've been gone, it's just that we've been busy getting the band back together. I promise regular posting will resume shortly.

Thank You Blogtown!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Origami Market Bag Tutorial - On WhipUp

Hey there! Today I have a special tutorial for my Origami Market Bags over at WhipUp!  I am pretty excited about it too!

These roomy over the shoulder bags are perfect for the market, beach, or an overnight get away. They sew up in a snap and make great gifts!

While you are over at WhipUp, be sure to check out the amazing post for pickled radishes and radish leaf pesto by Lindsay of A Wooden Nest !

Happy day to you!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Pony Round Up

On any given day, no matter the weather, both indoors and out, we are surrounded by ponies. No wonder we call our daughter Pony Girl.  At the end of the day, a great pony round up commences, most days. Sometimes the round up happens later, sometimes we forget about all those ponies left outside, in the bathtub, under the couch, in the cupboards...

I decided to document one of those round ups.

There are ponies on the patio table.

Ponies on benches.

Ponies on the lawn.

Ponies on the garden swing.

Ponies under trees.

There are even ponies in the chicken coop!

I know I missed a few, now where could they be?

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Suddenly Summer

Oh yes, it's suddenly Summer here in the Pacific Northwest! With the beautiful weather comes the last week of school, friends gathering for barbecues, Popcicle consumption, Farmer's markets, and busy times.
Excuse me if I am a little scarce this week as I will be doing a bit of THIS...

...looking for one of these,

and getting out in the garden to tame the wild,

and apparently taking photos with my phone.

I do want to remind you that I am Guest Editor for the month of June over on WhipUp. There is a great Ebook offering from my friend Nancy Langdon, designer behind studioTANTRUM/Fledge and proceeds go to a really good cause, you can find it HERE. My latest offering is an ode to eating local and our glorious farmer's market HERE. You can also find a couple of great book reviews in the mix, so please head on over to take a look!

Have a beautiful day all!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway Winner!

Hooray! I am so happy to announce the winner of The Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway!
The winner is Sarah!

Sarah said, "I'm loving all three! Seriously though, the "Snapdragon" would get the most wear. Yay!"

Congratulations Sarah!
Oh and I discovered that Sarah has a sweet blog called Gentle Home you should go check it out. She has Chickens and Bees! I love that!

So Sarah, contact me with your mailing details and the size of the dress you want.

Thanks to everyone who participated and I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Big Talent, Bright Friends

I know we have talked about this before, but it bears saying again; the blogging, making, writing community is a wonder. Many of the people I have "met" on the world wide web since Lola Nova came to be, have become true friends to me, even if I have never shared any "face" time with them. And man oh man do I have some talented friends!

Of course, every once in a while I do get the chance to meet my friends in person, what a grand thing that is! I have found that our conversations come easy, it often feels as if we have really known each other for yonks and that having a chat over tea is something we do on the regular.

I recently had a chance to meet one of those friends (and one of my heroes) in person. Nicole Mallelieu of You Sew Girl, designer extraordinaire of Nicole Mallelieu Design patterns and author of the book You Sew Girl, Your Ultimate Guide to Sewing with Confidence and Style, (mighty big talent indeed!) was in Portland recently for Quilt Market. We made plans to meet up, at the fabric store of course, she with her little and I with my little (our girls are close in age).

During this get together, I was utterly remiss in taking photos, but Nicole took a few and you can read about her Portland adventures HERE and HERE. We had a fine time meandering my two favorite neighborhood sewing shops. Our girls got along, as well as two kids forced together because their mums happen to sew and write blogs about it, can. Funny thing, both of our girls just had to buy some fabric for their own personal projects even though both mums were well stocked with the stuff. I wonder where in the world they could have picked that up? We had some dinner together and chatted away. Nicole was just as stylish, smart, warm and lovely as I thought she would be. I do hope she can forgive me for dropping her off at the wrong train station in the pouring rain.

I am often struck by what a gift I have received in the people I have met through starting Lola Nova and this blog business. The opportunities that have availed themselves and the community that inspires me have truly been a wonder! I am so grateful.

Oh and speaking of grateful; Nicole gifted me with a couple of her marvelous patterns!

The trick is deciding which to make first! 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hello Monday - In Bloom

I am starting the week with a clear head, a fairly clean house and no stressful deadlines. Wow! That hardly ever happens. I thought a little celebration was in order. Nothing big, in fact, I wanted more than anything to relish the little things. This morning after I came home from school drop off, I lingered over my coffee, I took a stroll through the garden to see what was in bloom. I looked past the ridiculous amount of weeds, the lettuce garden decimation by my hens and practiced selective viewing. Turns out there is quite a lot in bloom.

A double columbine

The tail end of the Elderberry flowers

The last Peony

I nearly trampled a tiny delicate mushroom. No idea what it is, but I let it be.


Oh and look! The Hydrangea is beginning to bloom. Such a nostalgic flower for me. Amazing that when this flower head is at it's peak, it will be a dark purpley blue color!

What is blooming in your neck of the woods?

Oh, and I want to share with you that I have the immense honor of being Editor for the month of June over on the wonderful WhipUp. I am sharing some posts from lovely bloggers and makers, as well as contributing posts of my own. The theme for the month is Make it Local, there will be recipes, tutorials and some really lovely reading. Please come by and say hello. You can find my Introductory post HERE.

Have a stellar day!