
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Settling In

Slowly, but ever so surely, we are beginning to settle in bit by bit to our new home. There are still an unnerving amount of boxes piled up in the garage, but we chip away little by little. In a while everything will be nice and cozy for Fall. The temperature has taken a sudden dip on the day of the harvest moon! I can't say I am prepared for the change of seasons, but the seasons have never consulted with me as to my readyness or not, and tend to come on anyway.

My Grandmother's hot pink velvet love seat has finally found a home and that makes me quite happy indeed.
And though she's a delicate thing, made for Victorian Ladies with small bird-like features and handkerchiefs, she does look awfully pretty in the living room light.

As for the studio, oh my good gravy. We did some wall bashing of course, then I went on to spend 3 tedious days painting the walls that we left behind. Many coats of paint later and it is starting to really look like something! There is still the sticky issue of proper lighting and wiring, best left to professionals to switch that business around you know.  As I have grown a bit itchy to get back to it, I did start to move in just a little.

Tiny Alice was somewhat miffed that I had taken some previous photos of her in undress, so I've made sure to protect her modesty with an old French nightgown for the picture.
So looking forward to doing some stitching again, the ideas have been buzzing!

Well, I hope I haven't bored you to tears with my tales of moving in, but it is my world at the moment. I am saving my strength since I do have some pretty great things to share with you all next week!
Until then my lovelies, be safe, be well!


  1. So glad you're settling in and making your new house a home!
    V x

  2. It always takes time to get all settled in to a new place and get to all of those boxes, thankfully you have a garage to work out of at your own pace.

    Your grandmothers hot pink couch is the best! I bet P.G. loves it and is that a Christmas cactus with perhaps, blooms the same color as the couch?...Fun!

    I'm so glad you took the time to brings us up to speed on your progress. Looking forward to hearing more next week. xo

  3. Much as I am loath to admit that I would covert anything pink (slightly allergic) your Grandmothers love seat is truly a thing of beauty and a joy to be beholden.
    Good luck with the workroom, I just had daylight strip bulbs put in to mine and it was a revelation.

  4. Firstly love Grans love seat, secondly thanks for taking time to blog, because I know how stressful moving can be.Enjoy your new place x

  5. That pink sofa is something else!

    So glad you're settling in :)

  6. The sofa is so so beautiful....what a treasure...does she have a name yet...Sophia perhaps?
    love D xxxx

  7. Yay! I can already tell it's an amazing space, can't wait to see more!

  8. This couch is A M A Z I N G! Greetings from Greece


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