
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Amazings

Quite some time ago I heard about an organisation called The Amazings in the UK. A group that is dedicated to passing on handcrafted knowledge from wise elders to the next generations. Now that is amazing! I would love to take part in something like that, to learn hands on from those who have so much to share and teach. Alas, I do not live in the UK, ah well.

Then earlier this year I was contacted by The Amazings and learned that they are doing video courses! They were kind enough to let me preview a couple of videos and I was again, amazed. What wonderful quality videos storing a wealth of knowledge at my fingertips!

From the site, I found this statement and found it to be very true

Mastery and Wisdom, Brilliantly Shared.
Well, how about I let you watch the video below as an introduction, to give you a sense of their fantastic purpose.

One of the best parts of this, is that the courses are affordable and quite accessible. I have it in mind to take one on Altered Books and one on Home-dyed Jewelry, and ... so many to choose from really.

I highly recommend you go take a look see at The Amazings site, it is near impossible to not be inspired by this group's dedication. I see too, that they are adding new courses all of the time.

The Amazings have been quite generous with my readers, offering a free course! Just go sign up HERE!

I truly love what The Amazings are doing. It is important and useful work and a great deal of fun!


  1. I love this site. really want to do the altered books one too.

  2. Beautiful and truly amazing
    Such. A great idea xox Penny

  3. Thanks for the heads-up on this one - I like its message about passing on knowledge through the generations. And thanks for the opportunity to try a class - I shall be signing up for one as soon as I can!

  4. This is such important work. I have often wished that I had written down and learned more from my grandmothers and have felt that it is all a loss now. With this group offering these skills, we can keep it going. Thank you for sharing this free course, I will be taking advantage of it for sure. xo

  5. Wow, a free class? That's pretty AMAZING! :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. I think The Amazings are pretty amazing, too. I took the course on handsewing a patchwork quilt, which will be my next big project. I'm really looking forward to it!


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