
Monday, February 24, 2014

Hello Monday - Pretending Spring

Outside it is a gloomy Monday, all bluster and rain, gray skies and soggy ground. Inside however, I am pretending it is Spring. I spotted 2 little daffodils in the corner of the yard and one slightly battered Hellebore. I clapped my hands and said "Hello first flowers! You are a sight for sore eyes!" Then yes, I plucked them. The wind and rain were surely about to bash them to pieces and truth be told, I needed a bit of pretty to bring inside.

To keep up the illusion of happy Springtime on this stormy day, I have also started a quilt for a baby that could be coming any day now. Ooh, I'd better hurry shouldn't I?  I am using the most springy springtime fabric I had on hand.

I am using several fabrics from Urban Chiks - Dream On for Moda from a couple of years ago, and a vintage-ish green solid that I also had in my stash.

As you can see, it's easy pretending Spring with all these happy, pretty flowers about. Well, just as long as I don't go outside.

Are you impatiently awaiting Spring, or are on the other side awaiting Fall? Either way, may your week be a good one!


  1. Patiently waiting and your pretty colours are certainly helping! :)
    V x

  2. Spring seems to be sneaking up around here, actually, though it could go back to winter anytime. Those fabrics are gorgeous and will be a perfect baby quilt.

  3. It was sunny here today, daffs are out and there is blossom on the tree outside my workroom window. Spring is about to be sprung upon us. Hurrah!!

  4. I love the colours! the fabric is fabulous, it made me feel bit of spring too!


  5. How lovely those colours! that fabric is fabulous, it made me feel a bit of spring too even if it's freezing in the French Alps :)

  6. Such cheerful colors! Oh I wish the snow would melt here ...we are expected to have more on Wednesday.

    But let's keep pretending:)

  7. That's a lovely little bouquet. Spring can't come fast enough for me!

  8. That quilt's going to be so pretty! I love Hellebores, but they soon droop when you cut them. I read a tip the other day, which I'm just trying out - put the stem into a few inches of water and pinch hard where you want to cut; keep stem under watyer and cut where you've crushed the stem.... x

  9. Hello lovely!
    Pretending is good! I adore those fabrics and I'm sure they'd cheer any dull day and inspire the feeling of Springtime. Loving your flower photo too - it's like a Dutch oil painting of old. Hope all's dandy with you. Thank you for your visit :-) xx

  10. Hello Lovely!
    Second attempt, I think the last comment is floating in the fog of cyber space.
    Pretending is good, I say! I love those fabrics and I'm sure they'll brighten any dull day. And your photo of the flowers is wonderful - like a Dutch oil painting of old. I hope you're well and dandy. Thankyou for your visit :-)

  11. Mother Nature teased us in New York with a very warm we are back to the big chill, with an eye out for snow.

    Dreaming of spring is helped by seeing posts like yours. xo

  12. I love your 'three flowers in a bottle' So elegant and simple. And your sunny quilt, so lovely, lucky baby

  13. I am so, so, SO ready for spring. I don't mind the cold, and I don't mind the snow. I even like shoveling, although that's gotten a bit old lately. But it is just time. Time for spring. We're at least starting to get sunnier skies, brighter mornings, and I've heard bird choruses on the walk to the school bus. Those are good signs, and hopefully they'll hold me over for the real thing!


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