
Friday, February 21, 2014

Wishing and Hoping

Today I am wishing the sun will poke through the clouds.

Today I am hoping that our local teachers get a much needed break from the long and arduous negotiations that suspended what could have been an historical strike.

Today I am wishing there was more time to get things done.

Today I am hoping to get more organized.

Today I am wishing for time with my family this weekend.

Today I am hoping that you all are having a lovely day!

P.S. The Stitched Journal Project's first show and tell is coming next Friday, February 28th.  If you left a comment wanting to join and did not receive a welcome email from me, that means your comment was "no-reply" and you did not send me your email. No worries though, you can still participate of course! If you want to receive emails and reminders, please send your email to me! Happy stitching!


  1. I hope your wishes for a happy weekend came true. Love the stitching - I am in need of some time with linen and embroidery threads. xx


I do so love you taking the time to leave a word, I read every comment and they truly make my day! Unfortunately, at this time I am unable to accept "Anonymous" comments.