Thursday, August 28, 2014

Stitched Journal Project - August

The Stitched Journal Project is: Makers from around the world creating one "page" or piece of work per month and sharing. It is a project to get the ideas flowing, to process the days in a creative way, to try new techniques and to push past fears that keep us from making something.  It isn't about perfection, or getting it "just right," it is about process and perspective.

Mixed Media

It all started with an antique Czech belt buckle made of wood that my mother sent me over a year ago. The short version of the long story is that I got an idea, and then another one. Which led me to dig out some wooden game pieces I picked up at my local thrift about 100 years ago. 

I drilled some holes -  using the Engineer's tools while he was out. I stained them and waxed them. Then I tried to teach myself... with only my mind's eye to guide me... how to weave directly onto a very small wooden button using waxed embroidery thread.

Clearly, I need a little practice. I did however, learn lots of things NOT to do. Even it's roughest form, I'm liking where this is going, and I have some grand crafty plans indeed.

The background is an amazing antique linen, as in - at least 100 years old! Each piece was aged in an infusion of various teas. As luck would have it, my good mate, occasional glamorous assistant, and all around crafty inspiration, Jane from Flaming Nora; has just done a lovely tutorial   on aging fabric with tea! 

So, I've tried all sorts of new techniques with this piece and feel a bit of inspiration. Plus it has lovely muted colors just in time for back to school.

Below you will find links to the wonderful makers and their Stitched Journal Project pieces for August. Please keep your eyes on this spot in the next couple of days as more add their links. Be sure to visit them and leave comments!

If you think you would like to join in as well, it's not too late!  We will be sharing our pieces the last Friday of every month at least until the end of the year. We'd love to have you.

All of you wonderful Stitched Journal Project participants please link up below! Remember to add your photos to The Stitched Journal Flickr Group! and be sure to share with Facebook, Twitter, etc!

1. Cathy  3. Mel Makes  5. RadishBlossoms  
2. Simona  4. Flaming Nora  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mollie Makes Home and 91 Magazine get together!

A while back Caroline Rowland of Patchwork Harmony and the much celebrated 91 magazine sent me an email. She told me she was editing this year's Mollie Makes Home issue and asked if I would like to have my home featured in the magazine. My answer was quick and obvious, of course! And then I started to worry about all of the unfinished projects going on at my house. Still, I think I managed to capture a pretty fair representation of my style. I must say that working with the team at Mollie Makes (thank you Ruth!) and with Caroline, was such a treat!

The super exciting news is that the first ever print version of 91 Magazine will be included with the Mollie Makes bookzine. Swoon! So you are getting 2 awesome for the price of one. Sweet!

I have yet to lay hands on the print version, but let me tell you, I might be just a little bit excited.  

The issue comes out tomorrow Aug. 28th in the UK at most news stands and news agents. I don't have a US date yet, but I'll be sure to let you know!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Made It Monday

Dress: McCall's 6275
Pants: Simplicity 4572

Since we returned from our lovely holiday we have been playing catch up and getting ready for Fall and the start of school. Do you ever wish you could have a vacation to recover from your vacation? For my part, I have been in a mad rush to get school supplies and to stitch up some quick school clothes.

I have a stash of mainstream patterns that have been picked up for pennies, given to me, or come to me from a number of places. Many of them are not exactly my cup of tea, but why not go through them and see which are keepers and which to pass on. The plus side of this is that I don't have to spend time drafting my own patterns and most of them are super fast to stitch up. Since school is starting next Tuesday, that is a good thing.

Simplicity 2689

The dress above was made from a vintage sheet that I acquired from Sherri of Little House in Paradise.
The Engineer has been busy as well. He finished up a gorgeous coffee table made from reclaimed wood.

It turned out beautifully and is the perfect compliment to our living room. I love it! 

He and a good friend also worked crazy hard on Saturday to build a chicken run to keep our pesky hens out of the garden beds. Hooray!

Oh, and Pony Girl has been making stuff too!

What have you been up to? Make anything lately?

Monday, August 4, 2014

On the wing

Happy August all! The Lola family is making lists and getting ready for a much anticipated Holiday. We are off to a cabin in the Rocky Mountains to see family and play in the great outdoors. I'll be back here with you in a couple of weeks. May you all be happy, safe and well!
