
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dream Big

So, I was down in my creative space this morning to do some good work but, after cursing for the umpteenth time as I tripped on a pile, something crashed to the floor, or not finding what I needed, I gave up and took a look around. Sheesh! This place is a mess. I haven't really cleaned up or organized since the whole holiday frenzy and it kinda looks like a craft bomb went off in there. I am a person who does not tolerate clutter and mess well in my home. In fact, I am a bit of a neat and clean freak (Don't get me wrong, I do like to make a mess and get muddy and such outside) As you can imagine, I have had to do some letting go since my child arrived. It remains a struggle that I continually deal with, especially since I have the feeling that I am cleaning constantly but, there seems to be a perpetual hurricane in my house tearing up the joint. Anyway...

I went upstairs, made myself a cuppa tea and daydreamed of beautiful sewing studios with lots of light and well organized work stations. Like the ones pictured above. To give you an idea of what I am working with: Our house is a little 800 square foot cottage, a constant work in progress. We have an unfinished half basement which holds the washer/dryer, camping gear, bicycles, my husbands tools, bookshelves, sports equipment, firewood, the canning shelf, bits of furniture and heaps of boxes filled with...well I couldn't honestly tell you. My sewing room/nook/corner/cave/area is in one 5x9 corner of the basement partitioned off with hanging sheets. I share it with some quiet but industrious spiders and a clover that grows through the crack in the tiny light-less window. (and no, I will not be showing you a picture of it until it's cleaned up) I will not even tell you what all is in this sewing area, let's just say it all fits together like a wonky Chinese puzzle. There isn't any heat down there and the lighting is pretty dismal, I work under a florescent shop light. I know, it sounds like I am complaining but I'm not (O.k. maybe just a little), the truth is I feel incredibly fortunate to have this little space and overwhelmingly blessed to have our sweet little house. Owning a home was not something I would have believed could ever happen in my life so, I count my lucky stars. I will feel much better once I get in and organize the place.

Still, it is fun to dream. I dream of sewing studios, my husband dreams of a woodworking shop and my girl dreams of pink ponies. What do you dream of?


  1. I've been dreaming of getting organized and getting rid of stuff i no longer need...There's just too much stuff here! I'll just have to get going on that!

  2. It must be something in the air. I've been dreaming about this too. In fact, I cut out a picture of a room I came upon that I love and put it on my bulletin board in my work area. I did do some spring organizing last week and folded all my fabric, etc. that made me feel a little better!

  3. You might think this is funny. I opened your post and began looking at the pictures and I said to myself as I looked "Oh wow, I just KNEW she had the coolest looking house, and look at her awesome craft room, she has such great ideas." Then I actually got to the reading part, and realized it wasn't yours, but hey, doesn't it feel good to know that it was exactly how I had pictured your spaces in my mind?!

  4. My wish is to unclutter my basement. Maybe while we are in Portland, we could go Salvation Army, IKEA or antiquing to find a cupboard??? Papa could watch Stella.

  5. Hello Lola Nova!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    I FEEL your pain! I would just need to take that paragraph and Find/Replace "basement" with "garage" and would be my world!

    A real me-space would be such a dream!

    On the other hand, inspiration is the product of constraint. Necessity the mother of invention. Maybe a less-than-optimal workspace can have some unintended benefits. That's what I'm hoping for. Maybe I'll invent a twist of the time-space continuum and create an alternative universe for my stuff. Or may I'll stack some crates...

    Have fun!



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