
Monday, March 2, 2009

Let Me Introduce You

This is Elsie.
She is a present for my girl for her 4th Birthday. I find it's hard to wait to give this dolly to her but, wait I will. Though I have made my share of softies, I haven't made up many dollies. Elsie is sweet. I think she could have done with a bit more stuffing, I had to use poly quilt batting which was what I had on hand so, she is a tad lumpy in spots. Still, I am a bit fond of her. I hope my girl is as well.

Now it's back to the pink mess in my sewing nook. The dress is taking shape slowly, how it will turn out I can not say. The mad scientist in me will be experimenting with zipper placement today and ruffles. Egads ruffles and zippers, best to have a seam ripper at the ready.

Edited to give credit: oops, I forgot to mention that Elsie was inspired by these dolls, I saw these and created my own version. Hers are lovely.


  1. SO CUTE! how long do you have to wait until the birthday?
    she will SO love elsie.
    and i bet she will keep elsie forever to pass on to her kids.

  2. Awwww, Elsie is adorable! I love her dress! I think your girl will need a matching dress...

    By the way, I love the green fiber art picture from your last blog post, gorgeous!

  3. She's precious! I love her little dress. I think your daughter will adore her!

  4. Oh my god, woman.

    Are you taking Elsie orders? How does one DO that?

    Can't wait to see you...


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