
Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Friday

The rain has returned with great bravado and little lakes are appearing at our street corners. No sailboat racing for us but, it will not dampen our spirits. Oh no.

The Engineer returned a day early from away, we picked him up at the train station and headed home for a little birthday celebration. Now, it can be a bit of a pickle attempting a handcrafted and thrifty birthday for a Mr. Fortunately my Mr. can appreciate a little second hand goodness as well as hand made thoughtfulness. I don't know if the year I found him the perfect vintage bowling ball bag or the year of the handcrafted banjo can ever be matched but, I think it came out pretty well all the same. And, I sure am glad he's home!

Whilst out on the prowl for thrifted/vintage loot for him, I did manage to pick up a few lovelies for myself.

Meet MAC...
She's a bit rough on the outside but, as you can see her 'inners' are just a treat!

Then I stumbled onto the linens...

The hand embroidery covers a large tablecloth, I can just imagine the time and care some sweet stitching person put into it. It has now found a happy home here in the little green cottage.

I don't know what your weather is like where you are, and even though the rain is coming down gangbusters here, I am still in a Spring state of mind. So, I think I will leave you with a celebratory springy photo of Pony Girl and I having a little bench dance!

Have a joyous weekend!


  1. Yeah for the beach dance and the endless supply of stripy socks.

  2. I love that last photo. Too cute for words!

  3. How lovely! Happy thrifty birthday to the engineer and have a lovely weekend.

  4. Pony girl is such a little cutie pie! Happy to The Engineer.
    What great finds for you also.

  5. Cute pic! Love the stripey socks~I always look forward to your updates~

  6. That linen is so beautiful, its only when you sew yourself, or take an interst is such matters, that you realise the time - I agree hours and hours- it looks so beautiful.

  7. Happy Bday to the engineer.

    And boo to the rain! I'm scared to go outside for all the wind today.

  8. Happy Birthday to the Mister, and Happy Weekend to You and Pony Girl Too! (Man she is growing up fast!)

  9. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. You and pony girl look like you're looking very much forward to Spring. Happy Birthday to the Engineer! xo m.

  10. great thrift find and of course i LOVE the last pic! it needs to be framed it is so great.

  11. I love that last photo!!! what wonderful thrifty finds!

  12. Happy Belated Birthday to the Mr., and really, I must learn to do the bench dance, because it looks like so much fun. I am extremely envious of the green grass you have showing. Mine will not be showing for weeks, if not months, yet. I live in the wrong place, clearly. No bench dancing and too much snow!

  13. Happy weekending to you! Looks like your off to a great start. The vintage linens, oh my!

  14. I love the embroidered tablecloth, and I hope that you have had a good weekend. And seeing those stripey tights just makes me want to wear skirts again - it is so muddy here that it is not worth venturing outside unless encased in Goretex!

    Pomona x

  15. Heavens, the linens really are truly fabulous but not as fabulous as the bench dance. I love the almost matching outfits; oh my goodness you know how I feel about the stripes but now I'm excited by that skirt!!

    Kate x

  16. I'm still gasping at the embroidery on that tablecloth - but as for MAC, well, MAC is the bee's knees and the cat's pyjamas...

  17. oh, i want to have a bench dance too, it looks grand! alas the weather doesn't permit it at all. but i have plans, oh i do, with me and little loafie doing a perky, pattern matched spring twirl in a not too distant future...

    happy march!


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