
Monday, March 1, 2010

7 year itch

Yesterday was the 7 year anniversary of moving into our little green cottage. Of course it wasn't green then, in fact many things have changed since we came to live here. One thing that hasn't changed in those 7 years, is the lounge, or living room if you prefer.
I may have mentioned recently that I've been hankering for a change. It's actually been a long time coming but, in the past there has been resistance when I have mentioned a do over. The need for a change was growing to a fever pitch, my wheels spinning, cogs were turning and I decided one evening that I must declare my intentions to The Engineer like it or lump it!

I began by stating firmly that I was going to paint the walls, so there. Imagine my surprise at meeting no resistance, in fact he was enthusiastically for the idea! At his receptivity to the plan, I felt emboldened to mention a couple of other changes I'd like to make. We then spent the evening discussing options and making drawings. Oh yes, this was going swimmingly.

Now let me be quite clear, this is not one of those magazine makeovers from the pages of House and Garden or Country Living. No, we haven't quite the resources for that sort of magic, instead we will be adhering to the challenge as much as we can...I'm thinking paint will have to be bought new.

This entertainment cabinet will have to go, though made by The Engineer (and a lovely piece), it's much too imposing for our small space. It will be sold and the proceeds donated to the cause.

The couch that mocks me must stay but, will be getting a fresh look some how (I see pillow and coverlet sewing in my future). We are currently in heated negotiations over the coffee table issue, no resolution has been reached as yet.

Curtain rods need replacing and hung at the proper height, curtains will be sewn, and did I mention fresh lovely paint? The floors need sanding as well, though that may come a bit later. I have no real time line for all this transformation but, I thought it prudent to present our obligatory "Before" photos now because you never know when the opportunity might strike to begin the 12 coats of paint surely required to remove evidence of that dark reddish wall.

I have to confess, I feel a little exposed inviting you into my home like this and showing you the less than fab bits. Of course you all are the best sort and understand that sometimes a shot of real life is just the order of the day. I will keep you updated on our thrifty, handcrafted re-do as we go along.

Enjoy your Monday, or whatever day it is where you are. I'll be back again with more harebrained ideas I'm sure.


  1. I think your home is lovely as is but I do understand the need for change. Good luck and have fun!

  2. Oh! Selling that beautiful piece :( No other home for it?

    I'm sure you know this but really.. Prime. Do it. Priming is SO worth it to cover dark colors (or paint in dark colors). It all becomes less slippery and coverage in two coats (plus +1 primer) is better than 5 coats.

    And the coffee table.. I say paint it as well.

    All my furniture has been given to me or found at the thrift store so maybe a couch isn't out of reach?

  3. Thank you for inviting us in. Your home is very warm and also uncluttered. I am always envious of people who can manage that (I am a big mess). How fun that you have The Engineer on board with this as it is much better than trying to twist arms. Is that a gold record that I see above the table? About the paint, I think the people who do the paint can put some color in the prime to help cover better. Good luck!

  4. Your home is so warm and welcoming the heck do you do that???? Any particular wall color in mind? I can't wait to see the changes as they happen!

  5. Your house is so cosy and sweet!
    They say that a change is as good as a holiday, so a house makeover is probably just what you need.
    By the way, I have that same problem with people hanging curtain rods at the wrong height. It's extremely irritating!

  6. I think it looks so nice at it is that I can't wait to see how amazing it will look if you "improve" it!

  7. Your house looks beautiful, but change can be good. Can't wear the same beautiful dress everyday right? Will look forward to seeing the "after" pics!

  8. Well, it IS spring (or nearly) and I think that fact alone calls for some re-do of one sort or another. And paint (tho not quite fitting in the challenge) is CHEAP! And it can so drastically change the look of your rooms! I also say, paint the coffee table! And, couldn't you possibly find another spot for that beautiful cabinet? It looks as if it could be a portable closet of some sort. Like a wardrobe?
    And I think your home is perfectly lovely as it is...warm, cozy, and inviting! (I love the Flower Garden quilt on the sofa!)

  9. Thank you for popping by my blog - I'm glad you did, because now I've found yours! Happy Decorating! x

  10. Oooh, I love following a renovation in progress. Sad that you need to let the Engineer's gorgeous furniture go but I get the need to change things...right now...once you have decided that it needs to be! Good luck with the coffee table, negotiation.

  11. Hi Alex
    It probably doesn't help when I say that your lounge looks so very warm and cosy as it is...! I know what it's like to need to change your home environment to better reflect the person you are today. I look forward to seeing/reading more about it.
    Thank you for your lovely comment, as always, and the quote - it is wonderful.
    Take good care of yourself. I'm not necessarily the best practitioner of what I'm about to say, but I'm sure it is helpful - when times are tough and trying, endeavour to make only the necessary steps and try to avoid doing too much, filling life with too much busyness. If you have a ray of sunshine, let it warm your face. And if you see a pretty bunch of flowers, bring them home. The simple things are always best in soothing the soul.
    Big hugs to you,
    D x

  12. I've been admiring your home on Flickr for a while now, and I love the look you've got, but I can't wait to see the changes, either!

    As Densie says, look after yourself too...

  13. Thank you all for the encouraging comments!
    Yes, our lounge is warm and cozy, thank you for saying so. Still, it is time for change and the pictures don't quite show the wear and tear (and artistic endeavors of a small child) of 7 years of family living.

    As for the uncluttered look, I'm afraid it doesn't always work that way. Right this minute there is a pile of stuff on the table and another pile of stuff in another corner and a pink bicycle in the middle of the floor, oh my!

  14. Yes, it does look lovely - it's that magic camera again. Could you not paint your lovely cupboard white so it would be less imposing? Or you could just ship it over to me ...

    Pomona x

  15. it's adorable now but i can't waut to see what you do to it :)

  16. Thank you for inviting us in. I do so enjoy a tea party. I love the old color so I am very curious to watch the transformation. You have such a talent for mixing colors into tiny elements of surprises that I feel I have to almost hold my breath in anticipation.

  17. your home looks so very relaxing, peaceful and sunny. just lovely. but changes and sprucing ups are most often needed and great fun, good luck!

    and i do hope that gorgeous cabinet will find a good and loving home!

  18. Thank-you for the tour, I promise I wiped my feet thoroughly on the door mat before I walked in :)


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