
Friday, October 15, 2010

Another roadside attraction

Today was 52 Kindergarten kids in the cold wet muddy pumpkin patch. A long noisy riotous bus ride. A cat vomit incident. A big bad wolf named Ruby who broke into our yard and tried to eat our chickens. An hour and a half crawling through bushes calling "Here chook chook chooks!" A laundry debacle and a very tired Lola.
And then it happened, a little grace was granted and I found a perfectly pleasant picnic basket of the vintage variety, and a Pyrex lovely loaf pan in turquoise ...on the side of the road. Free. Yup, I needed that little pick me up.

Here's hoping you have a weekend full of little graces.


  1. Hmmm, sounds like a great ending to the story. Hope you get some rest, too! :)

  2. Oh my, that is quite the nastiest of the nasty lists! After all of that you deserved to find free treasures...that picnic basket would be a rare find at a thrift shop.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Awesome finds. Hope the weekend continues upward from there!

  4. Well thank goodness that story had a happy ending, I had to take few deep breaths in my handy brown paper bag when I read 52 Kindergarten kids in a pumpkin patch.

  5. What a fabulous find! I hope your weekend now continues in that vein : )

  6. A day of extremes! The end results look pretty stunning, though. Thanks for your kind email too.

  7. oh dear! Sounds like everything eventually turned out.. thank goodness. Poor li'l chooks (and you)! and yea for lovely freebies.

  8. What an event filled weekend and it is not even over!

    I love love the picnic basket.

  9. Gah! I so know you came to a screeeeeeeeching halt. Major cat vom bummer.

  10. Wow! I'll be checking every road side and gutter from now on, cos I never seen such beauties left on the roadside in my neck of the woods! Gorgeous!
    Your day sounds .... exhausting... I hope you've had feet up and resting this weekend.
    D x

  11. WOW! It's like your little fairy just left those treasures there for you.

  12. As the saying goes every cloud has a silver lining.

  13. Thanks for visiting, Alex :-)
    I know what you mean about the chickens. Our neighbour has 2 hens, and they were allowed the run of the garden... but now it means the garden's so messed up the children can't play there! So our neighbours have fenced off a space just for the chooks ;-)
    Looking forward to hearing and seeing the changes you plan for your garden,
    Denise x

  14. what a find! from the sound of your day, it's just what you needed!

    happy weekending~

    did you find your chicken?

  15. Well, if you curb crawl through popular picnic spots these finds are to be expected!!! Fabulous foraging girl, x

  16. such a PERFECT treat as a roundoff to that stressful day that could have ended in quite a disaster...! thank goodness for such things! the treats that is:)


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