
Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello Monday - Crafty Pile Up

This crisp fall Monday morning I have a lot to think about. I have set aside time to work, to craft, to create. Trouble is, there is a mess of projects waiting their turn for my attention. Like the improv piecing in the photo above, that is something I would like to work on.

There is the stuff I should work on...

The stuff I need to work on...

...and the stuff I really want to work on...

So what's it gonna be, pants for Pony Girl or, playing hooky?

What have you got going on?


  1. Too much is what I've got going on and probably will until the day I die. I start something and then like a complete floozy get completely sidetracked by a new yarn, idea or fabric. Looks like I'm not alone by your shots of lovliness. It's just the gorgeous curse of a creative crafty mind and we love it really.


  2. They all look so lovely! I'm embroidering at the moment - just a simple Chrstmas project in memory of my mum. I've told her all about it (I have no idea if she can hear me but we're enjoying the secret in theory) and I've been stitching today whilst sitting in her hospice room, and singing to her as I go. Frankly, I had a lovely afternoon. I do hope she enjoyed it too.

  3. I vote to play hooky, for sure! You know you'll get to those pants soon enough.

    I'm off again across the river to have dinner with family..this has been a busy visit but I do love it.

  4. Hello Lovely !
    Oh my goodness, do I spy Heather Ross fabric in that patchwork piece??? I love Heather's designs, but they ain't easy to get hold of in old Blighty!
    As for me - my crafty priority this week is finishing my brother's 50th Birthday present! What I mean is, he's gonna be 50, not that I've made 50 gifts !!! ha ha!
    D xx

  5. Oh I love the deer!!!
    But of course the hook wins everytime for me...

  6. i think i have add or adhd or one of those initial things that means you're a bit scattered! i have socks that aren't finished, a sweater that isn't finished and some hand warmers that aren't finished....and oh a quilt! i do however, finish ready lots of blogs...*S*

  7. Oh, maybe a little of this, a little of that. That's what I usually do, and then *nothing* actually gets finished. :)

  8. playing hooky, totally! (she screams one day later). although that first piece makes me very happy, the colours are so perky and fine!


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