
Friday, February 25, 2011

Come Spring

The weather 'round here has been plain silly! Now the sun is out in full force but, the temp. has dropped and the wind has picked up, so cold. I am feeling the need for a burst of color and to sing a song of springtime. I'm inviting Spring with a few of my flickr favs. Have a colorful weekend my friends!

1. Tea and Biscuits, 2. happy hearts..., 3. Annie Necklace, 4. a touch of color..., 5. Blooms, 6. Flutter ~ Floral, 7. Imperfection is underrated., 8. Old wood spools, 9. Valentine roses


  1. you surely made me feel springy!

    happy weekending to you & yours~



  2. Lovely colours!
    I love Rosehips pillow cases. :)
    Have a great weekend!
    Vivienne x

  3. Beautiful, I wish I had spring to look forward to! We've had bugger-all summer here, so autumn & winter are going to be NASTY!

  4. I welcome spring too!!! Love the colors and crossing fingers for a new season.

  5. Mmmm, I like your touch of Spring! We received very cold temps and more light snow - icing on the ground again!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  6. Love all of the color. My favorite is the blooms, I can almost smell them.

    Have a very lovely weekend.

  7. Great color! I could use some Spring myself!

  8. Beautiful Photos! Fresh as Spring!

  9. Gorgeous colors! Just today I found myself so sick and tired of the dark colors of winter and fall I had to pack those colors away in my closet and go thrift store shopping for some bright happy colors. Come on spring!

  10. I'm so sick ofWinter now, will definately be embracing Spring with open arms!

    B xxx

  11. I am a sucker for any picture involving vintage cotton reels- why don't they make them like that anymore....

  12. Gorgeous!! Peonies are my absolute favourite flower so I love your number 5 especially. A beautiful assortment of photographs.

  13. I hope you weekend was wonderful. I never tire of your use of color and composition.


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