
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Snow-BirthDay!

The chickens woke me with their squawking at 4:30 this morning. When I looked outside to see what the ruckus was all about, it was snowing! Pony Girl is extra excited to have a snow day and woke up the Engineer to shout "Happy Snow Birthday!" Yup, it's the Engineer's Birthday today, so the girl and I are heading out into the fluffy stuff, donning our big coats, mittens and boots, to fetch the ingredients for a special birthday dinner. And cheesecake!

Happy Birthday my love!


  1. happy birthday to the engineer and Y*e*a*h for the snow day~
    cute snow people!

  2. Happy Birthday to The Engineer! Have loads of fun in the snow and making the birthday great!

  3. Wow - Happy Birthday to him! Is that you and him, or Pony Girl or you, or who, in the snow?

  4. Snow? Yikes! It's been very sunny here today, but going to get grey and cold tomorrow :( Enjoy the birthday!!

  5. Cheesecake - hmmm, yummy :-)
    Happy Birthday to the Engineer !! Have a lovely time and I hope the snow brings you good times,
    D x

  6. Happy Birthday to the Engineer!!
    Enjoy the cheesecake. :)
    Vivienne x

  7. Happy Born day Engineer - that is what my oldest is calling it lately.

    Yum Cheesecake - have a wonderful diner!

  8. Happy, happy, happy Snow Birthday to your Mr! I'm sure he'll have a grand time with his two lovely ladies! xo

  9. Hope you had a great day. Weather changed quickly from the pictures in the last post didn't it.


  10. hope Everyone has a fabulous and safe and warm birthday time!

  11. Happy Birthday Engineer!

    Sweet little snow people.

  12. I wish it were still snowing, but this sunshine isn't too bad.

    Hope The Engineer's birthday festivities were full of fun. :)

  13. I loved waking up to snow! My chickens didn't make a peep, although they didn't want to touch the snow either. Our city sure cleans up nice when it's all white from a fresh snowfall. Hope the Engineer had a great birthday!

  14. Happy bday hubs! Are those snowmen like 2 inches tall or is it just my crappy crackberry tiny screen?! Sent your goodwill prize yesterday, don't get too excited but it is funny. Happy snow day! Xoxox


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