
Monday, June 27, 2011

For the love of toast!

It's that time again! The brief window of local strawberry goodness has arrived and of course, we made jam.

We have become a seasoned, well oiled machine when it comes to our annual jam making. At 10 am on Sunday I brought home the berries, by noon we had 33 jars of ruby red deliciousness to take us through to next year.

This morning I sat at the window with my coffee, a thick slice of bread slathered with strawberry jam, and thought how the best things in life are made by hand. Oh how I love toast!

As if that were not enough goodness for one weekend, I also received a special parcel in the post from across the big pond. Pomona of Little Cottage Comforts, had a giveaway recently and I was the lucky winner.

Honestly, with all that's been going on 'round here I had completely forgotten about it until it arrived. What a gorgeous surprise! A lovely book on button jewelry and the very generous Pomona included the prettiest pieces of fabric and some sweet buttons too!

There really is nothing like getting happy packages in the mail to cheer one's day. Thank you Pomona! Oh, I just popped over to her blog and she is having another fabulous giveaway, go see!

What a good way to start a new week.
Happy Monday!


  1. I forgot to tell you - the buttons were from my dear departed grandmamma's button box. I felt the granny chic implications would speak to you.

    I am glad that it all arrived safely - lots of button love

    Pomona x

  2. What a gorgeous parcel, lucky you. :)
    Your strawberry jam looks so delicious. I'm amazed at the your jam making speed!!
    Vivienne x

  3. How sweet of Pomona, what a lovely giveaway.

    Your jam looks like jewels all lined up waiting for the parade of toast! Our strawberries here in Skagit Co. have just started and the Mr. and I decided to wait a few more days, sunny hopefully, so they can sweeten up a bit. I think maybe tomorrow or Wed.

    Have a good Monday!

  4. We just went through the same strawberry madness around here. I feel like this is the first year that we really got in the groove with the whole process--it's nice when things flow smoothly. Your jars of jam are beautiful!

  5. what delicious looking strawberry jam!!

  6. All that jam in 2, my mouth is watering. Love what you won.

  7. 33 jars is a lot of jam! Being a lucky recipient of one of Pomona's giveaways I can well understand your excitement.

    More button love xx

  8. Wow - wish I could be that organised as it all looks delicious. Impressed by your stalky remover thingy too.


  9. Wow look at those gorgeous jars full of deliciousness! Love the little strawberry top remover thingy too, I must keep an eye out for one of those..x

  10. Your jam looks devine - the colour is amazing!!

    And what a great prize you've won - loving those fabrics!!xx

  11. Wow! You have got the jam making down to a science. It looks so pretty all lined up.

  12. Congratulations on the win, the jam looks lovely.

    Now I have a craving.

  13. Oh what a post full of scrumminess.

  14. I'm so jealous about not only the give away that you won but all that jam at your disposal. I LOVE strawberry jam.

  15. you know I'll be knocking on your door any minute now.
    put that toast on miss Lola Nova ♥

  16. Raspberries are the fruit-de-rigeur here at the moment - hate the way the pips get stuck in your teeth though!Your jam and jars look divine.

  17. Your jam looks scrumptious, we've only had a handful of strawberries this year, the bugs keep beating me to them. I'm very envious!

    I just gave you an award on my blog, no pressure though if they're not your thing!

  18. Wonderful gifties from Pomona! Mmmmmm - toast ...

  19. That jam is the most beautiful red. Mine from last year is a little brown, but still delicious. I think I'm gonna have to have some of it for breakfast after reading this post...

    I adore surprise packages in the mail. Congrats on your win! :)

  20. That jam looks so yummy - last year we made elderberry freezer jam but this year I think we are going to do it the "right" way so we can have it in the winter months.

  21. "The mackinaw peaches, Jerry, the mackinaw peaches!" This strawberry goodness post reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Kramer is taking advantage of the mackinaw peach season!

    I am so impressed and a wee jealous of your bounty!

  22. :::GASP!!!::: GORGEOUS! That jam is GORGEOUS!You should sell it! I'd buy some for sure. No questions asked. Also, what is that miraculous looking tool in the first photo?



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