
Saturday, June 25, 2011

This, that, and a little bit of the other

Woke up this Saturday morning to find that the Engineer had hatched a plan to take Pony Girl fishing! So, with some quiet time on my hands, I made myself a large cup of delicious coffee and took a little tour of the garden. Just to see what I could see.

The lavenders are in full bloom with their heady scent luring the honey bees.

Peas! They were planted so late I wasn't sure but, here they are coming along nicely, sharing space with tiny spiders.

A riot of potatoes!

Introducing the newest member of the flock, Cookie! She's a Barred Rock pullet, very sweet. Unfortunately, our other 2 ladies have not been ladies at all, instead they have been quite rude to the new girl. It is to be expected, pecking order is very real. Still, each day they seem to grow a little more used to her presence and soon the novelty will wear off. I hope.

Well, I'm off to pull weeds, mow lawns, and maybe stop for cake.

Lovely weekend to you all.


  1. Your garden looks beautiful - and I love your new hen!

    Pomona x

  2. Your garden is coming along nicely. I love that you are growing potatoes too, how fun!

    You will love your Barred Rock, Cookie. We have two that we just call the Stripy Sisters. They are very even tempered and adventerous, but smart, it seems. If we ever add to the flock by purchasing, we will have more of this friendly breed.

    Enjoy your busy day!

  3. Your day sounds a lot like mine, minus the cake!:) I love your garden pictures...your lavender is ahead of mine here...still growing out but not blooming quite yet. And Cookie is Beautiful. We have the same adjustment period whenever a new animal companion joins the pack here. Hopefully it will work out just fine, but it is stressful watching them go thru the process...I WISH we could have chickens here. I would let them roam my shade garden...maybe someday! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  4. Pretty girl! Don't tell my other hens. but my lovely stripy girl is my favourite! Introducing new girls is tricky and they certainly are not very ladylike!

  5. Aww Cookie's lovely, hope she's accepted soon!
    Don't forget to stop for cake. :)
    Vivienne x

  6. Welcome to Cookie. I bet Pony Girl is excited. I felt so bad about her other one. Can I have a piece of cake, too.

  7. Wow, I'm shocked at your potatoes and peas! It all seems to be coming along nicely. :)

  8. Hope Cookie is finding her place. You are a better person than me if I had time alone. I'd be inside on the couch, knitting with a cup of coffee and an old movie or a chick flick lol.

  9. Hooray for fishing! Although in your place I'd be scrabbling around, rushing here and there, to fit in as many relaxing 'me' things as possible. You have a much cleverer approach.

    Hope there was yummy fresh fish for dinner (that you didn't have to gut)...

  10. Lovely shots! Afraid my plants this year I not doing very well.. too much rain. Ms. Cookie is very pretty.

  11. I love your garden and chook! Enjoy the cake!:-)

  12. Fantastic chickie. Enjoy your day of pootling around. I've got to work all day today and am already getting very grumpy about it! Very jealous of your garden day.

  13. What a lovely tour of the garden. I would have preferred if I was there in person to smell that lavender though, looks gorgeous. Welcome Cookie! I hope the other girls like you soon!


  14. So nice to have a free day. I hope you had some cake!

  15. Oh I always love a little garden your. How your lavender zings! What a fantastic photo!

    Cookie looks like rather a chic speckled lady.

    Hope you enjoyed your cake break. Have a good week!

  16. How different life is in the summer!!! Aaaahhhh....
    Your photos are so beautiful and I love the "stop for cake" part -- no maybes! Very important.


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