
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A little adventure of my own

Looking down the hallway of The Moore Hotel in Seattle, my room key jangling in my hand, and all on my own...I felt rather adventurous. Perhaps it had something to do with the leopard print carpet. Having just driven three hours through thunder and lightening then arriving to a sunny Seattle, my spirits were high and so were my hopes.

In a very short time I was going to meet up with my friend Tif à la Dottie Angel before the launch of her book later in the evening. A most auspicious occasion indeed!

The launch was held at Assemble Gallery and Studio, a perfect place for a happy gathering. Andie and Emily (proprietors) were so very kind. If you happen to be in Seattle, I recommend stopping in for a look-see.

Dottie's display was gorgeous, no surprise there. It was a fine affair all around, with so many nice folks coming in and staying for a chat and to have their books signed of course.

I met some people of note as well. The wonderful Marjan of CowRoad and I spent some time chatting with Tif's very lovely adopted Auntie! I was also so pleased to meet Janine of UPPERCASE and her family. I am completely in awe of what she accomplishes and the beautiful products she creates.

And of course, the woman of the hour herself was stunning, charming, and altogether the very picture of an authoress of an amazingly unique book!

After a successful night I headed back to my hotel and fell asleep to the hustle and bustle of a Friday night on the streets. The next morning I met up with Tif for a bit of thrifty shopping. I'll have to share my treasures with you next time. Then it was time to drive home.

All in all it was a grand adventure and I feel quite fortunate that I was able to go. Now it's back to work...busy bee you know!


  1. Oh how i wish I could skip across the pond....looks like you had a fab time & thrifting too JOY rxx

  2. What a great time we had indeed! :-)
    And what a lovely picture of Tif there...
    Do you maybe have any pics of my new frock? I would love to have one! :-)

  3. Wow - how special! I'm loving Uppercase magazine (it's currently being posted to me as I made a tiny contribution to their photos once) and I know tif's book will be wonderful.

  4. It all sounds so exciting and glamerous. The display was so Dottie indeed and perfect for the book launch. Congratulations to you again for your personal addition to the book. It will be fun to see what thrifty bits you found on your shopping trip with Tif. xo

  5. Sounds like such a wonderful time!! I am hoping next year will be my year of the portlanders...I desperately want to take a trip out there.

  6. What a perfect little adventure and with such fine folk.
    I am loving that carpet!

  7. How fun! I'm admiring Tif's lampshade in that last photo.

  8. lucky you. All looks rather fabie do.

  9. I can only imagine what fun all that must have been. :)
    Vivienne x

  10. Oh my goodness - what an axciting occasion! Isn't it amazing what the bloggy community can create?

  11. Oh yes, it was fab indeed. I feel quite fortunate!

    Marjan, I think I might have a photo. I'll check and send to you.

  12. looks lovely. have the lovely book from Tiff which arrived in Melbourne last week. Happy to see a page on you as well in the back.

  13. How gorgeous!!!
    It would have been amazing...I do hope you both found lots of thrifty goodness the next day...

  14. Sounds like you had a fabulous time. Lovely pics. Liz :)

  15. Whoa! This looks like a great and satisfying roadtrip . . how amazing. I hope you had a lovely time . . . and that orange flower fabric on the table is MINE! oh my gosh.

  16. What a fabulous trip and a great time away just for you!xx

  17. In case you need to feel appreciated today:

    Your 'Call Me' cushion is a point of consideration in choosing the colour scheme for my new lounge room. See its tiny cameo here!


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