
Friday, October 7, 2011


When last I spoke of my adventure to Seattle, I mentioned a little thrifty shopping I think. I thought I might show off my treasures from that trip along with some other treasures that have recently come into the little green cottage.

That beautiful old mirror in the photo was from my trip to Seattle. It runs the width of my mantle and is quite heavy. It was a crazy steal for $4 and a special treat from my friend Tif. The blue bottle is from the Engineer as a thoughtful replacement to a similar bottle that was broken some time ago. Good man!

Also from Seattle, a couple of vintage crochet lacy bits. All freshly laundered and looking so pretty.

From another thrifty outing a little bit of 'vintage spring' in the form of sheets. The yellow ones keep whispering "curtains" to me.

This next treasure was a sweet gift from the very kind and also amazingly talented Jess of Teddy Bear's Wednesday.

An amazing red work blanket. My photo does not come close to doing it justice. It is so gorgeous! Her stitching is beautifully done and I can't believe I am now the owner of this heirloom piece. Thank you Jess!

The last treasure I will share with you is neither vintage, thrifted, nor handmade... though it will assist me in hand making. It is something I have wanted for a long while and finally screwed up the courage to purchase. Ta Da!

Aww Snap! That's right folks, I bought myself a professional snap setter HOORAY! Many thanks are owed to the kind Sara of Willow and Moo for giving me some sound advice on this purchase, thank you! And yes, I suddenly have the urge to 'besnap' (besnapping is much like bedazzling only with snaps) everything!

Right, well thank you for letting me share my treasures with you. Do you have any new treasures?

Have a grand weekend all!


  1. Nice finds, and I love the thought of you besnapping everything! Have a great weekend!

  2. The red work blanket is gorgeous, all those lovely little animals.
    What a bargain with the mirror too!

  3. So many new treasures! That mirror was a 'big' find for a small price and gifted by Tif is a real bonus. I am surprised PG didn't grab those yellow sheets (isn't she into yellow now?) for her own. I have never seen a snap machine before, won't that make it a breeze for those projects!

    Have a great weekend, after seeing all of these goodies, I'm off to find some of my own. xo

  4. Love all your new treasures. I did get some new to me vintage paper items but ... I sold them all :)

  5. Phwoar! a proper snapper. Jealous Moi? Say it isn't so!

  6. Oh my goodness - I love everything!!
    I wonder what you are going to 'snap'!x

  7. Watch out Alex! I'm good at helping people spend money. LOL I don't use my snap press all that often, but I love having it. I have some projects planned for it soon. Have you see this? So cute! I think I'm going to make up some for Moo's friends for small holiday presents.

    Good thing I don't live near you. I might be offering to take that mirror off of your hands. I think it would look nice in my house! ;)

  8. Sara made me an awesome wrist cuff for Punk's last birthday that is snap-a-licious, a snap press is also on my looooooooooooooooong list of "wants" (...but probably do not "needs" hehe).

    So glad Jess's work of art is in good hands! She's THE CUTENESS, that one.

  9. a mighty fine hoard of thrifty finds there, esp like the lacey bits & good on the engineer how thoughtful Rxx

  10. I think the snap machine pressy thing is the grooviest thing I've ever seen. Can't wait to see you get snapping.
    and major blush, you are the sweetest and i'm so happy the redwork went to someone special like you xo

  11. Very acceptable treasures .. that contraption looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I love stuff like that.

  12. lovely lovely treasures, especially Jess's gift, she is a sweet one that one.

    sending you sunshine & smiles Miss Lola Nova.

    p.s you know I would have no idea how to even use a snap thingy..

  13. My ABSOLUTE fave are the yellow floral prints. So retro, so bright, so cheery. Makes me happy to just look at them!

  14. Fabulous finds! And I'm pretty certain I have the cousins, if not the twins, of those sheets sitting in my fabric basket right now. I found them for a quarter at a yard sale this Summer, and I was thinking curtains, too. :)


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