
Monday, February 27, 2012

Little Red

This morning I woke up to sunshine, a welcome antidote to the Monday blahs. I also woke up thinking about Little Red Riding Hood, go figure! I couldn't possibly tell you why, one of the many trapdoors in my noodle popped open and I fell through I suppose.

After the Monday morning rush around to get ready for the day; coffee made, breakfasts eaten, lunch packed, chickens tended, hair brushed, etc. We were out into the crisp morning air for school drop off and playing on the car radio was the song Little Red Riding Hood. Well, that sort of sealed it for me; it was simply meant to be a day for Little Red.

Out came the felt and a couple of vintage doilies and along came Little Red. And as we all know, the wolf can't be too far behind...

Oh, and what of Granny?

Well kiddos, we shall have to continue this fairy tale another time as there are Monday chores to tend to.

Have a lovely day!


  1. It's funny how ideas sometimes enter our heads and won't go away until you make something with them. Love your Little Red.

  2. What a lovely block.I love,love it!!

  3. I LOVE when inspiration hits so suddenly, and gosh what a gorgeous outcome!! Can't wait to see the next installment..blah, chores, they're over rated! x

  4. Your Little Red is so sweet and the doily clouds (maybe they aren't really clouds?) are the best!...I'm so afraid for her though, with that nasty wolf lurking somwhere around but I'm sure there will be a happy ending no matter what. xo

  5. Very cool. I keep getting Little Red ideas myself lately. I've got a drawing I think I might add some red to, and I keep thinking of new ideas. Strange....

  6. Love your little red! love the felt and doilies together.
    Must be something in the air with Little Red as I'm wearing my little red riding hood campers today and was yesterday too xo

  7. She is adorable! I love how "simple" the design is. lovely. :0)

  8. I love this and that is one of my all time favorite songs. :)

  9. So simple and yet so stunning.
    Inspiring stuff indeed you clever gal you!

  10. oh my I am quite smitten with little red she is quite lovely rx

  11. Brilliant! It really is delightful :D

  12. This is beautiful !
    Such a simple and effective design ... I wonder if you'll frame it or make it into something ??
    I was wondering if you fancy taking part in a series to celebrate our hands? All through March I'm going to post photos celebrating how we use our hands. Come take a look, and if you want to take part - daily, weekly, whatever suits - let me know :-)
    Happy days to you!

  13. She looks delightful! Wish her red coat was made to fit me.

  14. How lovely! I cannot wait to see the rest...

  15. Inspiration is the best thing every... except for love, of course ;-)

    Fairy Tales and sewing go hand in hand and I am so very glad I stumbled onto your blog. I can understand why you have such a long list of followers.


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