
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Wolf

Monday's sun did not linger. Today is a chilly mix of snow and rain. Such a day calls for something warm and savory cooked all day in the slow cooker. That was the first order of business this morning, the chopping, mixing, seasoning, and then put the lid on to let the magic happen. I ask you to imagine how amazingly delicious the little green cottage smells right now. Later, the music man (whom I haven't seen in far too long) will come over to dinner with our family, we will share freshly baked crusty bread, heavenly roast and a nice bottle of wine. The simple slow things in life, how nice!

The next order of business for the day has been at the back of my mind for the last little while. Lurking there, waiting in stealth and I was a bit uneasy...

I wasn't quite sure how to proceed with my fairy tale. Still, The Wolf was waiting.

Part of my uncertainty has to do with a question I have, Where am I going with this business? Will these be part of a framed series? Should they be cushion covers? Are these little scenes even finished? Just what is it I'm making? I still don't know.

Right, that was more than one question. No matter. I'm just going to have to be patient and discover the answers as i go.

And one more question; just what goodies does Little Red have in her basket? Ooh, it must be lunch time!

Happy Leap Day everyone!

PS. a nice little write up on the music man here (for full disclosure - yup, he's family)


  1. I think little red has apples in her basket. Also I like the idea of framed wall series and I really like that these pieces are pared back - something to do with winter woods, bare branches, snow to muffle sound - the block colours show off the little bit of lace you have. They seem pensive to me (and despite the whimsical subject, I could totally see them in a 'hip' grown up apartment). Yeah - I like them a lot!

  2. Well now there is syncronicity. We took the boys to a wildlife park at the weekend. An old friend, but one neglected for quite a few years. What did we find upon our arrival? A sprucy spiffy new enclosure filled with guess what?
    Yup Wolves.
    A framed series by the way is my thought.

  3. I was looking forward to seeing your wolf, and he did not disappoint. Just beautiful.

  4. So fun to see how all of this is coming along--the wolf is stunning! Wishing I'd thought to use the slow cooker today . . . currently pondering my options for dinner!

  5. Beautiful! I'm loving your series whatever the may be, the're wonderful! Enjoy your family dinner, yes I think a slow cooked meal might be just the thing for this blustery day here too..x

  6. A framed series would look great!
    I really love your wolf. :)

  7. I think Little Red is taking something to Grandmother in the basket..If she isn't careful the wolf will follow her, Oh No! xo

  8. I think she's got dinner rolls in her basket. Or maybe little hand-held pies...

  9. wow I am so into these, I just think they are brilliant!

  10. I think she has apples and fruit cake in her basket.
    They look like they'd make rather fancy placemats to me.

  11. Gorgeousness.

    Framed. Definitely. Or is it just my kids who use every cushion in the house for cubby making?

  12. What delightful scenes you have stitched up..........
    I absolutely love the wolf.

    I think a framed series would be wonderful.

    Claire :}

  13. Are you going to frame these lovely works of art? Very nice......

  14. these are absolutely beautiful! I love the colors and the vintage doilies. they add a such special touch. :)


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