
Friday, October 5, 2012

Making Stuff

The creative sap did rise and I made.

A slap dash little quilted camera case for my point and shoot travel camera.

I managed a few good rows on my Granny Cowl with pretty but pesky gray cotton.

And I am eyeing this fabric for a bag, it's an unusual choice for me, but it is awfully pretty.

What are you making?

Have a happy weekend all!


  1. Oh, looking at that crochet does such good things to my brain.

    I'm making a tiny tiny silver apple.

  2. Bunnies!!! Always a bun on the go! :)
    Happy weekend,
    Vivienne x

  3. Oh my!
    I am loving your camera case....
    I am making an 18th century costume dress for work. Lucky me!

  4. Am I seeing some pretty little P&S cases in your shop...maybe sometime in the future? I know I could really use one for my latest purchase as it is just living, all naked in the side pocket of my purse.....Just a thought.

    Sewing is 'back' on the top of my list bumped by the computer.

    Have a sweet weekend! xo

  5. Lovely, pretty fabric too. I'm finishing off a jumper .. very excited about it xox

  6. these are all so pretty! granny square cowl-can't wait to see when it's done :)
    i'm working on some new headbands....

  7. That is the sweetest camera case! I do love your granny cowl & I'm busting to try one for myself, but it's not going to happen soon, I guess with our weather warming up there's no rush! Looking forward to seeing your bag, it's a beautiful print..x

  8. It's all all kinds of pretty. I wouldn't think that fabric would be a usual choice for me either - but then it's exactly right! Weird. I bet that lovely grey cotton is splitty(?). It'll be so worth it in the end.

  9. Loving the crochet.
    But guess what?
    I am making nothing! nothing, I tell you nothing!!
    I can't tell you how good it feels.

  10. Love the Granny Cowl! I have been wanting to make a cowl. Is that your pattern? Love the grey! Happy crocheting! xo Heather

  11. The little camera case is gorgeous, and I love the bag fabric.
    My cushion cover arrived yesterday, and is already in place on my sofa. I can't believe how well it goes there, as if that was where it was meant to be. Thank you so much

  12. Ever have so many things on your to-do list (or Ravelry Queue, in my case) that you don't know where to begin? Yeah. That's me right now. I'm hoping to start a project, any project, soon though, 'cause I'm getting twitchy!

    That P&S case you've made there is making me want one of my own. Such a good idea!

  13. I love the pink flowery fabric - beautiful! And thank you so much for the lovely book - it's on my blog today.

    Pomona x

  14. The camera bag looks great, I've been meaning to make a zip-up laptop case for my mac. I think I will line it with foam to keep it safe.

  15. Love your camera case and the cowl is a similar yarn to a Peter Pan collar I made recently. I've also made a 'rat bonding pouch', now that really was a strange request!
    Carol xx

  16. It's all so pretty! Love that little camera bag.


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