
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tongue Tied Tuesday

My girl working her vast imagination...

No good words today, just a capture that I love.


  1. Love that she has all of the animals 'down for a nap' and that she has on appropriate attire while pondering the chicken sweet. xo

  2. What a wonderful photo. I am beginning to believe in 'hen therapy' for children - once again Son 2 stomped out of the house in a bad mood this evening, and came back inside 15 minutes later full of good cheer, having put the hens to bed...

  3. Must tell you I saw your book in a fabric shop in Eastbourne this afternoon..looks absolutely fab and stood out amongst all the other crafty sewing books.

  4. Love her style.
    One of my favourite 'imaginings' was the riding school I managed, I had a long list of all the ponies' names and their colours.
    Carol xx

  5. Too cute, and her outfit is the sweetest!! xo Heather

  6. Wonderful to discover your beautiful blog. Just saw the link over at Pomona's blog.
    Your little daughter is so sweet with her little plaits.

    Happy week

  7. I love this picture! Kisses and Hugs to You and Pony Girl!

  8. This one should be framed for all time!! Love the ponies in the grass next to her and the little chickens on the skirt. That stance does look like mischief though ;)

  9. And I was lucky enough to be in the pressence of it xo

  10. What a great title and what a great pic! :-)

  11. Such a great photo, and I ADORE her outfit!

  12. What an adorable image :)

    I've just been catching up here, had to giggle at the thought of the polar bears in the fridge, I wonder if you'll find crocodiles and alligators in the bath one day ;)


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