
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Blame it on the Rain

On the first day of Autumn the rain started to fall. It looks like we will be getting our first real rain in some time for the next couple of days. While we desperately need the rain, I suddenly feel a bit nervous about the coming dark days. Already our girls, our hard working hens, have stopped laying everyday. The thought of buying eggs from the store makes me feel a little iffy.

On the upside, the weather is conducive to hot tea, baking bread, and getting back to my sewing machine. I have plenty of projects floating around in my brain. I want to make something interesting from the fabulous silver metallic denim in the photo above that was sent to me by my friend Nancy.

I have a rather urgent mandate from Pony Girl to create this costume (how is it almost October?)!

To be honest, I'm not feeling too jazzed about it. Now had she gone with her other choices; Wonder Woman or Little Red Riding Hood, I might be a bit more stoked. But this isn't about me, right?

Then there's this skirt that just needs a decision made about fabric. I'm not feeling the "Rainbow Like" suggestion from the previously mentioned Pony Girl, but I'm indecisive. I had a thought about going full on Roller Derby style with this one. We'll see.

Well, happy Autumn all, or happy Spring to those of you on the flip side!


  1. And soup! This weather is good for soup! I'm on the other side of the country, but I've got dark and drizzle here too.


  3. And bonfires, hot chocolate and Downton Abbey


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