
Friday, September 19, 2014

Lost in Transition

The weather doesn't quite match the season. We've had the longest, warmest, and driest Summer for as long as I can remember. Still, there are signs; signs that things are changing, that the shift is coming. I mean other than the obvious, other than school starting and the whole world turning upside down, waking up at 6:30 am every morning, making both breakfast and lunch 15 minutes after you wake up and please just let me make coffee before anybody talks to me.

I have to admit, I feel a little lost in transition. I keep waiting to feel like I've gotten past the hard part and can dig into work again. Yet, when I do have time to make, to sew, to create; I have too many ideas and can't settle. So instead, I do laundry, I mop the floor, I wander the garden looking for signs.

The signs are there. Things are changing. I am just adjusting, getting my feet back on land after a long Summer of sea legs. 

I am covertly, quietly, hesitantly, happily going forward... lost in transition for a brief moment. It all comes back around, we slip into the new routine, we get ourselves together and brave the change... we find our way.


  1. This post rings true in our house, half a world away in the UK! Even though my girls have been back at school for a few weeks now, I still have that sense of the whirlwind first week. Waiting for the dust to settle so I can get back to my regular routine...we'll hang in there! Chrissie x

  2. I'm with you. I think I'm finally into the school routine, but the weather is back and forth, and I seem to be busier now, with both kids in school, than I was before, and I am struggling to find time to fit in work--but I have no idea why! Are there less hours in the day once you don't have children to care for during that time? Good luck finding your groove!

  3. Lola, your transition photographs are each so beautiful. I love the composition and the colors, both the bright and the neutral.

    You've given me lots of ideas for yarns to combine in future knitting.

    Thank you! xo

  4. Dear Lola,
    what a wonderful post!!! Your pictures are fantastic and your words are so deeply true!
    All my best from Austria
    and a wonderful time of transition


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