Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chicken Pot Pie

'Nuf said...


Mare said...

Oh My Goodness! That is just too pretty to cut up and eat. And chicken pot pie is one of my absolute favorites! It is obvious that was made with love. You are amazing...even when it comes to food!

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful! Did you actually make that crust with the design? Can you have one delivered to me? VBG!

oops - can you believe my WV is "stoned"? Does that mean you were stoned when you created the pie? Or am I now stoned on the thought of a hot, freshly made chicken pot pie?

Nancy in Atlanta (Diane's Mom)

Claire MW said...

That's not a pie! That's a work of art! I love the decorations. Perfect!

Lola Nova said...

O.K. Sometimes I'm a little behind in my modern vernacular
MomL what is "WV" and why is it stoned?
Thanks for the compliments everyone, it was a big hit at dinner.

Anonymous said...

You have word verification (WV) on your comment section - the word that popped up for me to type yesterday was, believe it or not, "stoned". Usually it's nonsensical, like today's - "gounchri"!!


diane said...

i came here to leave a site for you that i think you might like (when you have time)
i can see you and claire totally diggin it.

ps- sorry, my mom is crazy, just ignore her ; )

and pps- what a GORGEOUS PIE!
u r so talented.