Monday, August 30, 2010
Hello Monday - Details
Summer is winding down and I am attending to the details of the seasonal shift.
1. Untitled, 2. figs and lemons, 3. Rusty Locker 10, 4. orangey red mushroom, 5. Bunting, 6. happy friday. :), 7. the shapes and colors of summer., 8. shoe per diem august 3, 2010, 9. The Chain

Friday, August 27, 2010
Box of Happy

That gorgeous fabric is just screaming to become something wonderful for Pony Girl. It is from Nic of luzia pimpinella and it's called LOVEchirp, so lovely! And ribbon trims of happiness in all their glory.
Some goodness for Pony Girl included a much adored polka dotty tea set...

Dearest Nancy, I can not thank you enough. Everything was so perfectly perfect and brought us such joy! I am truly blessed with amazing friends. Such a lucky lady am I!
I hope you all have a groovy weekend, I'm off to contemplate a first day of school dress for the one and only Pony Girl.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Best Laid Plans

I had big plans for this weeks blog posts... more stitching, sharing of a most amazing gift received in the mail and other groovy things. Alas, what is that saying..."we make plans and god laughs"? So...yeah.
While things have gone topsy-turvy this week, I'm gonna roll with it and see where it all leads. And if I get stuck, I might just play with my food.

Monday, August 23, 2010
Hello Monday - Remake, Remodel

The pattern is fairly easy with straight forward instruction for the most part.
If you plan to use the pattern I highly recommend checking measurements carefully, as it seems to be geared for a more petite child. Pony Girl is 5 with a stocky build, she wears a US size 6 in most store bought clothes with the sleeve length running a bit long. I traced the size 7 from the pattern (for room to grow) but, cut the sleeve and bodice length a size 6 thinking they would be plenty long. I should have checked the length of these pieces before cutting. The end result is that the sleeves and bodice were a bit short for my liking. Overall though, I will make this shirt again with the right lengths, I think it's a quick and versatile pattern for fall. It's pretty darn cute too.
In my last post I mentioned the possibility of pie, so here it is, a perfectly peachy peach pie! Made by the Engineer no less. He offered to take over pie duty after he heard me whinging about how I had done the laundry, dishes, watered the garden, made breakfast muffins...all before he had even gotten out of bed. He makes a damn fine pie I must say!

Friday, August 20, 2010
I'm A Winner!

So right, I recently won a giveaway over at Fox's Lane of a beautiful bundle of vintage sheet pieces! Aren't they lovely? Thank you Kate! Now I get to make something sweet with them.

Look at the colors!

Right now it is placed next to the chicken coop so that the chooks have their very own nightly light show, maybe I should pipe in some Pink Floyd so that they can have the full experience.
Thank you to my generous gifters, you have made my days (and nights) a little sweeter.
As for you dear readers, I think that you are winners too! Have a grand weekend and I shall return with stories of stitchery and perhaps even pie!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010
Hello Monday - Heat Wave

Frizzled dandelion fluff drops and rolls - making it's wishes that will come true in a dizzying multiplication, the chickens are lackluster burying themselves in the dusty shade, and popsicles are mandatory by mid-afternoon.

Sheets are bleaching in the sun, fading vibrant florals to whispery hues, the red bucket gets filled again and again to quench thirsty new trees, and the tomato plants are big as buildings.
By 5 we are overtaken by a sticky ennui and a general malaise, a lethargy of spirit leads to absurd negotiations between the small grump and a tether-less mama (it couldn't have been me who was heard to say, "I've lost my tether altogether and don't know where to find it"). But then it is certain that cool showers are miracles at 6 in the evening. We call truce and set to the industry of keeping up with the ice demands, outside we will wait out the dusk into the night - whispering incantations to summon a breeze.

Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Festival on the Farm

Another enchanted musical moment was 'round the campsite, several of us playing and singing, with a random banjo/mandolin/guitar player wandering by to sit in. Sweet!

Oh, I almost forgot...biking to the festival was highly encouraged and many people did just that!

Whew! That was a long post and I still have yet to see the bottom of the laundry pile. I'm off to tackle it. Take care my friends.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Black Prairie - Red Rocking Chair
I just saw this and couldn't wait to post it. This video is from the band Black Prairie. The music is haunting and lovely. Our dear friend Jon Neufeld (guitarist) is the one with the Axe. It made me laugh, which only sounds mean if you don't know him. Dark and menacing he is not! I love it. They will be playing at the festival this weekend so, I thought it appropriate to show you the video. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Bluebird of Happiness is Tickled Pink
It's been a mad week, much rushing and to-doing and wondering where the time goes. Oops, there it goes slipping out the back door! The next day and a half is all about preparations for our annual music festival and camp out called, Pickathon. You can read about the last two year's adventures here.
In the midst of the madness, I realized last night that I had not made Pony Girl her happy festival dress for this year. Really, I could have let it go since last year's dress still fits and there is a closet full of happy clothes that would do. But you see, I'm a manic sewing mama, and I just could not let sleeping fabric lie. So off I trundled into my basement...I mean studio, and began looking for inspiration.
I remembered a photo of a wee cutie I saw over at Foxs Lane, dressed in an awesome stripey number. In a flash of brilliance, I remembered some fabric strips I had already cut for some wayward quilt project that had gone astray. Some late night speed sewing...
...and Voila!
These photos look much better when clicked!
One Festival Express Skirt! Ready for dancing the days away.
The back...
All I did was sew together 4 inch X 17 inch strips with a 3/8" seam allowance until I got the fullness I wanted. Then I embellished with ribbons and some felt appliqué bluebirds and then sewed the final seam closed making a tube. I then gathered the top of the skirt to fit a separate waist band I made from 2 extra fabric strips. Insert elastic to fit and finished the hem with some pink eyelet trim. Easy Peasy! This fits to a size 6-7. Thanks Kate for the inspiration!
I am hoping to get some pictures of this skirt in action at the festival.
I will be back next week to tell you all about it and give you my new band picks.
Have a wonderful few days all!
In the midst of the madness, I realized last night that I had not made Pony Girl her happy festival dress for this year. Really, I could have let it go since last year's dress still fits and there is a closet full of happy clothes that would do. But you see, I'm a manic sewing mama, and I just could not let sleeping fabric lie. So off I trundled into my basement...I mean studio, and began looking for inspiration.
I remembered a photo of a wee cutie I saw over at Foxs Lane, dressed in an awesome stripey number. In a flash of brilliance, I remembered some fabric strips I had already cut for some wayward quilt project that had gone astray. Some late night speed sewing...
...and Voila!
These photos look much better when clicked!

The back...

I am hoping to get some pictures of this skirt in action at the festival.
I will be back next week to tell you all about it and give you my new band picks.
Have a wonderful few days all!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hello Monday - We're Jammin'

Any berries that were remaining after the jam fest, were put to work as a mash over vanilla ice cream. Pure summer taste!

Here is a little extra Monday goodness for you - Sherri of Little House in Paradise is having a contest! It's all about cookbooks and you have until August 12 to enter. Here are the details. Please pop on over to her lovely blog and tell her Lola sent you, she is just as nice as can be!
Happy Monday!
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