As we swing into this bright and shiny new year, I am still making my list. My list of goals and hopes and dreams I guess. What wonders will this year hold, what adventures? I am going to be brave this year, I am going to do new things.
Like learn a new craft/art.

...and spend some time with an old flame.

What is on your list?
I will be back later today with my day 3 of 10.10.10 - that is if the rain lets up just a little.
Well there's nothing new on my list but I would like to try and do much more of what's already on it!
Don't think your furry friend is too bothered about making a list. :)
Vivienne x
hello lovely!
Firstly, your cat is gorgeous and looks so cosy curled up asleep there :-)
As for my list for the year, I'm very much drawn to three words: faith, hope and charity (love). They keep coming into my mind and they seem like perennially good guides for how to live. So I think they'll be my companions for 2011 :-)
Looking forward to hearing more about your arty adventures!
D x
Your carving kit is great. I loved using those tools in High School art class when we worked with linoleum.
It looks like our Frederick came to take a nap at your place.
On my list is, to actually 'do' the things on my list.
This year is an odd one, I just can't get focused on what I want to achieve yet. May be its because I haven't started back to work yet, tomorrow, so am still caught up in the post lazy cozy Christmas fug.
Happy New Year to you. I'm greatly looking forward to seeing your new achievements this year. As for me, I'm hoping to keep up the momentum with my new found love for knitting - perhaps move away from scarves pretty soon and head on into garments, whoop woo! My boy has just started learning the guitar, what a wonderful thing to be able to play - you must go for it again, perhaps get a film of you uploaded for us!
Kate x
I'm trying a new method of riding for cross training my horse. Not very creative I know but it will be a new adventure for us.
If I didn't tell you, I am sorry for being remiss. One of your yards made the finals for yard of the year. We have been voting for a couple of days and the voting ends tonight.
You have been a great supporter this year.
Hmm, what do I want to do this year? Learning a new craft sounds like a good idea, I'm always up for learning new things and finding a new creative outlet. I've been seeing a lot of dot work on ceramic that looks really nice, maybe I'll try my hand at that.
And of course I always want to improve and expand my knowledge of photography.
Wishing you a wonderful 2011, hope the new year is off to a great start for you!
i saw this post the other day and absolutely loved the pictures, but didn't have time to comment at the time.
wishing you the very best health and happiness for 2011
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