It takes a day or so to re-enter the real world after 4 days of festival going. Cut off from the regular routines and the daily news; it is an environment removed though only 25 minutes from our home. Another great year with friends and music...so much music.

Traversing 80 acres, 5 stages, 87 visits to see Lucky the horse, 4 hula hooping adventures (just to see if I still could), 6 time-outs in the beer garden, and 1 hour of trying not to panic when Pony Girl disappeared into the woods quick as a jack rabbit - search parties (friends) were sent out in all directions all of us saying, "Surely she hasn't gone that far," only to have her turn up at the exact location she had vanished from cool as a cucumber saying, "I just went for a walk."

We dubbed our camp "Li'l Holler" - a cozy compound where respite and comfort could be found along with amazing meals and and great company. Saturday night I laughed so hard for so long, I'm still sore.

Pony Girl fell in love with a little red haired boy camping across from us. Those wiley gingers are a charming lot, I know.
I also discovered, much to my dismay, that my old camera was giving up the ghost while we were there. So, I didn't manage all the photos I would have liked to take. There really is so much visual inspiration at Pickathon.

This year's event was by far the most sustainable festival I have ever been to. I could wax on about it but, you should let the people of Pickathon tell you all about it
HERE! Truly remarkable.

As for the music...so much. It all seems a bit of a blur, I caught much of it on the run, chasing after kidlets, on my way here and there, and I enjoyed it all. For a preview of many of the bands, here is a little
playlist if you are so inclined.
All in all, another awesome family festival experience!
Now it's back to the real world.

Upon our return, we heard some of the news we had missed while away. I am wishing all of my friends in London and surrounding areas safety, you are in our thoughts.