It takes a day or so to re-enter the real world after 4 days of festival going. Cut off from the regular routines and the daily news; it is an environment removed though only 25 minutes from our home. Another great year with friends and music...so much music.

Traversing 80 acres, 5 stages, 87 visits to see Lucky the horse, 4 hula hooping adventures (just to see if I still could), 6 time-outs in the beer garden, and 1 hour of trying not to panic when Pony Girl disappeared into the woods quick as a jack rabbit - search parties (friends) were sent out in all directions all of us saying, "Surely she hasn't gone that far," only to have her turn up at the exact location she had vanished from cool as a cucumber saying, "I just went for a walk."

We dubbed our camp "Li'l Holler" - a cozy compound where respite and comfort could be found along with amazing meals and and great company. Saturday night I laughed so hard for so long, I'm still sore.

Pony Girl fell in love with a little red haired boy camping across from us. Those wiley gingers are a charming lot, I know.
I also discovered, much to my dismay, that my old camera was giving up the ghost while we were there. So, I didn't manage all the photos I would have liked to take. There really is so much visual inspiration at Pickathon.

This year's event was by far the most sustainable festival I have ever been to. I could wax on about it but, you should let the people of Pickathon tell you all about it
HERE! Truly remarkable.

As for the music...so much. It all seems a bit of a blur, I caught much of it on the run, chasing after kidlets, on my way here and there, and I enjoyed it all. For a preview of many of the bands, here is a little
playlist if you are so inclined.
All in all, another awesome family festival experience!
Now it's back to the real world.

Upon our return, we heard some of the news we had missed while away. I am wishing all of my friends in London and surrounding areas safety, you are in our thoughts.
Aw, spoilsport... taking that picture with a hat on...! ;)
Looks like an amazing time - PG looks SO GROWN UP!
Thinking of London here too; they are already on the mend, hopefully.
Sounds like a wonderful time!
It's obvious you had a wonderful time.
Brilliant photos. :)
Vivienne x
Love the face painting on Pony Girl!! Looks like it was a great time :)
Love the photos. Such beautiful tents.
Pony Girl, don't ever do that again. You must have been franic.
Glad you were able to recover and have such a good time.
oh! that looks like a whole lot of fun! love all the colorful pictures.
i can imagine that coming back to the real world is kinda hard... i'm struggling with it, too at the moment.
oooh be still my beating heart. Those sails. Love love love your pictures too.
YAY !! looks like you had the MOST wonderful time! Gorgeous pic xo
What a fantastic time you guys had!!! (apart from that hour - argh!) I love all the huge sails over head - so gorgeous.xx
Glad you had a great time - nothing like a good festival, although losing your little girl for a bit, however short a time must have been horrid. And as for the unrest in old Blighty, it seems to be confined to a few very specific big urban centres, which of course is dreadful if you happen to live there, but I suspect that as usual the media are hyping it up - everywhere else is as sleepy as ever with nothing at all happening in the small towns and the countryside.
Pomona x
Real world is too blooming real at the moment, if you ask me. Yay for four whole days of festivally adventure - though I bet you could have done without the OHMYGODWHERESMYCHILD moment.
Festivals and camping are the best. You look so happy with your gorgeous family.
Also, I just wanted to congratulate you on your amazing article in 'Mollie Makes' I finally picked up one today, and I thought 'I recognise that lady' so fabulous.
Have a great week x JO
Ginger boys ROCK!
Every time we go camping, festival or normal camping we loose one of the boys. Last time we were away I over heard someone say as I ran through the woods shouting at the top of my voice, "Oh they always loose their kids don't worry!".
Doesn't stop that heart in the mouth feeling though does it!
All seems calm now in London, though it must be said its been quite hairy scary. Not quite as they have been reporting it. If you listen to the news trouble has been in specific areas of the capital, trust me it was EVERY WHERE! Maybe on not quite such a huge scale, but really more or less every where.
Mad times!! xxx
i remember how much i loved your post about this festival last year, and the sustainability <3!!! love the wooden horses in the first pic! overall, wonderful pictures:)
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