My new lip balm tastes of Creamcicles, every time I apply it, I am pleasantly surprised.

Sparky the seal is my new constant companion. He is quiet and attentive and he seems to like my singing. The perfect friend. Made by the beautiful Jess of
Teddy Bear's Wednesday, isn't he gorgeous.

Hot iron to lace doilies, what patience it must have took to make these delicate things.

Attempting the perfect marriage of vintage fabrics. Changing my mind, then changing it back.

Crossing supplies off the list, sharpening pencils, school is starting soon and we'll have a 1st grader in the house!
What small details are you attending to?
Like you I am getting things ready for back to school. Also finishing up some patterns, an embroidery block, and a crochet blanket - all started about 2 months ago - oops. Yum on the lip balm flavor.
Wedding and time management. Not so small, I guess. Oh, and sleep.
Sparky the seal is adorable.
You even make the minutiae look beautiful and exciting!The pencil shavings are my favorite image.
Beautiful images of tiny details.
I'm trying to get the colour gradation right on a garland necklace and am about to start making a tiny silver watering can.
I am not getting sorted on the school uniform front. Every year the same thing, me running about stress trying to but things at the last moment.
I am not dealing with the school holidays/ HUGE workload interface very well.
However I am spending too much time knitting a stupid full size car and making way too much chutney.
The Seal is adorable, soft and cute. I have the same predicament with my linen collection, in fact, I am too frightened to use them.
I just Love Sparky and Jess, and YOU too! love, mare
That Sparky is absolutely adorable!! And i am loving your vintage fabrics there. Beautiful.x
Aw, Jess is all sorts of awesome, as are you, I am sure Sparky is glad to be with you.
Small details... I am a drama queen, there is no such thing as a SMALL detail. ;)
(Just to prove my point, my verification word is what I shall now use to describe having a tantrum; "downflop".)
Loving the small stuff at your place. Jess is so very, very clever!
How lovely to see Sparky on your blog, we have several of Jess's creations living with us and every last one of them is treasured and adored. She seems to have the knack of bringing them to life, with such individual expressions & sweetness. Good luck with the school prep, great shots today xo
What a sweet little friend!
I'm still plugging away at my online art classes, but procrastinating by rearranging my art supplies. ;)
I am mainly with runny noses. 3 so far; hopign that the other 2 stay dry lol.
Sparky has been sending me all sorts of texts saying that how much he loves his life with you and how special you are, which I already knew but dont mind hearing it over and over . and he loves most of all when you sing to me.
I agree about doilies, i often feel so sad when I find them at the oppy, something that someone put so much time and love into discarded.
THis week is and has been super crazy busy for me, and so unfortunately i've just been trying to keep my head above water.xoxo
thank you,xo
So chuffed that Sparky ended up in a most excellent home. Does he still have his Australian accent?
Beautiful beautiful Sparky!!! I love this crocheted seal - it's soo realistic.
Love your vintage fabric (swooning)!
We have a new 'small detail' named Abe!
I am in love with Sparky the seal.
Other than that, we are still on holiday but do need to plan a visit to buy not only the usual school supplies but also a laptop computer! Yikes! I've got lots of lovely laundry to do (I mean that, strangely - it's because of line-drying that I enjoy it so much) and have a little pupil coming for a series of lessons every day this week, which is fun.
sparky looks so at home there. hope he teaches you all some austraaalian :P
a first grader..woah, time is flying!
goodluck with preparations & the little details.
hugs ♥
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