Well, a little unintentional blog break kinda sneaked up on me. Life is all a busy blur at the moment. You know how it goes, everything seems to be happening at once. Every time I sit down at my desk some sort of urgent business needs my attention. There is a hungry child loudly moaning that starvation is about to end her, a Mr. with a button that needs sewing right this minute, a zombie fish that needs examination, a chicken in the bathtub...all the routine regular family maintenance issues.
For example, just as I finished that last sentence, a loud thud was heard followed by "Maaammaa!" Upon investigation, I discovered 3 pounds of watermelon guts covering the kitchen floor. So yeah...
I'm also having a hard time reconciling that Summer is coming to an end, it's a bit of a shock really. Apparently I do not need to throw my clock out of the window to see time fly. I am finding myself daydreaming about a trip like Kate's family adventure.

Apologies to the 2 artists who created the pieces pictured here, they are unsigned and I have forgotten your names.
I can relate! This is the last week of summer vacation for the kids ... sad that summer is over and pleasant for the silence in school hours that will begin.
I have a bad picture in my mind of the watermelon situation...good luck with that. xo
I so agree with you on the time thing, where does it go too?!!
Just imagining the watermelon...
Vivienne x
It's summer (for a few more weeks). Might as well enjoy the hustle and bustle while it lasts. You deserve a break. :)
What a great way to describe flying time!
And I'm selfishly hanging for spring down here.
Your watermelon comment reminds of the time that Will thought he'd pick out a watermelon. He didn't realise how much it would weigh and he dropped it in the fruit shop. Thankfully it only split and didn't shatter all over.
Gosh I'm hearing you loud and clear! this week I feel like I have sorted out five million arguments, made three thousand snacks, fed a zillion pets & people, wiped a few bums, picked up too many small things from the floor and all the other assorted things that go along with family life. In between there has been cuddles and guinea pigs and tulips and chocolate biscuits. And some other good stuff. Even so, my head is reeling...x
Add in a MOUNTAIN of muddy washing, camping gear and kids, a grumpy cat and two demanding work room assistants and you are telling the tale of my life! Hope its all falling in to place. xx
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