Busy bees we are. With Spring sprung and ants in the kitchen, there seems always a race. A steady buzz - wax paper folded over comb, we press our lips against and hum. Something is coming. Along with slug season, coy pinks, dangerous yellows and the farmers market, there slips in a notion of promise. Soon the wind will sweep the avenues bringing a snow storm of blushed plum blossoms that will cling to our shoes, holding on. While the hues are almost delicate, shaded - a richness envelopes and becomes anticipation. Waiting in this verdant landscape, is a tempest in a teapot. What is simply green to some, is to me, an almost surreal abundance of color all in the name of green. I am a child of this place and I am feeling my absence from the woods. I have not walked through ferns and fans of Columbine in far too long. While I may not be able to reach my favorite trails today or make the long drive to the coastal forest, I may just take a walk in some damp wooded park. Somewhere where there is a quiet riot of new growth and moss in colors that simply make you take pause.
Breathe deep.
i would give anything to have flowers like that blooming here right now. so gorgeous!
Beautifully said...Just Beautiful....
Happy Spring! My favorite green find on recent walks has been fuzzy little caterpillars fresh from their cobweb nests. The same fascination I had as a child :)
What a beautiful post. It's a poem really. Lovely!
wow....such a lovely sentiment...
I long to live where you do. Far from the city streets and bustle of cars. Where I can take my shoes off and feel the grass beneath my feet.....Such a lovely sentiment.
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