Happy New Year!
In the words of Spongebob Squarepants, "I'm Ready!"
I am considering this Monday to be my official New Year's Day. Engineer back at work, the small one back to school - both of them none to pleased about it. I so enjoyed having my family around, spending relaxed time with them. When they are present, I find it hard to do anything else but just hang out together.
And though it has been so nice, I am feeling ready to get back to a little routine as well as a little adventure. One of the things on my 2011 "To Do" list, is to get out more...I mean to spend time out there in the city I love, to bring my camera and capture some Portland heart and soul. So, when I saw my friend Nancy, of Fledge had started a meme called "10 in 10 for 10", I thought it a great way to get myself into the thick of it right away.
Nancy writes:
"Today, I thought up a meme (which, in my head, I pronounce "Me-Me", because I can, because it's my head). 10-10-10. Ten photos. Ten minutes. Ten days. It's intended to exercise my mindfulness and stretch my photographic eye. No time to fidget with settings (which I cannot, because I cracked the LCD display on the back of my camera. Perfect.). No time to stage anything. No photo editing.
Just walk/see/shoot/look/post."
Here is the original post Nancy has extended an open invitation if you would like to play along!
So, with my top photo being 1, here are the other 9. I have to tell you that not fiddling with settings and skipping photo editing is hard for me. Not to mention it was freezing out and my hands went numb completely in the 10 minutes I was out shooting. I did see a whole world of "Possibility"!

I have lots to tell in this new year and I promise I will get to it all soon. I hope your first days of the new year are treating you well!
What a great idea. I think your photos turned out just fine. The more you do it the more you will feel comfortable with it but I cannot imagine taking it in ten minutes. Wow!
This sounds fun! I don't know how to fiddle with my camera yet (on my to do list), so ignorance is bliss in my case..I have to go in to town, so I may go and get some shots of boats. It will be my first mosaic, hope I can figure that out.
Love your photos..I haven't seen Paul Bunyan in years, it's nice to see some things from my childhood are still around (lump in throat). Thanks for sharing this.
Fun! I think I would have a hard time not editing. Love the pictures you took.
Great idea!! I am going to join in for at least one day.
What a great idea but I would find it difficult not to fiddle with them afterwards I have to say!
I love photo number 10, the little plant pot, very pretty!
Vivienne x
I like a lot, a great idea. Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you and that gorgeous family of yours Alex!! Love your 10's! I am tempted to join in but I have soggy cotton wool filling my head this morning and can't quite work it out. Ugh! Happy, happy! X
A fun idea, and you know I loved the lumberjack (and I'm Ok....)
Sounds like a fun project; I love the shot of the plant in the red pot. I'm missing my family now that the break is over, too!
Well I can never resist a challenge, went out this afternoon with the ginger one and both took our 10 pics. No idea how you did that funky mosaic thing though! Fun afternoon. Doubt if I will make the 10 days, but will give it a go! Results are not as interseting as yours. but then we only went to a retail park. May be tomorrow will be better. J xx
I love it! I want to do it!
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