Friday, October 31, 2014

Stitched Journal Project - October

The Stitched Journal Project is: Makers from around the world creating one "page" or piece of work per month and sharing. It is a project to get the ideas flowing, to process the days in a creative way, to try new techniques and to push past fears that keep us from making something.  It isn't about perfection, or getting it "just right," it is about process and perspective.

I am quite upset with myself. I did not finish this month's project. It's been a crazy old month! Along with technical difficulties and a slew of other mundane things I plum ran out of time. Though I did get started and hope to finish next week. All I have to show is a bit of printing on tea aged fabric. My apologies to all of you who worked hard and got yours finished. I can't wait to see what you have been up to!

Below you will find links to the wonderful makers and their Stitched Journal Project pieces for October Please keep your eyes on this spot in the next couple of days as more add their links. Be sure to visit them and leave comments!

If you think you would like to join in as well, it's not too late!  We will be sharing our pieces the last Friday of every month at least until the end of the year. We'd love to have you.

All of you wonderful Stitched Journal Project participants please link up below! Remember to add your photos to The Stitched Journal Flickr Group! and be sure to share with Facebook, Twitter, etc!

1. Sharon Wilcock  3. Patty Radish  5. Cathy  
2. prin_jur  4. Mel Makes  6. Flaming Nora  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Computer Blue

So involved with the machinery...
I'm considered a geezer in tech years, but I do try to be modern, you know, to a point. Still, I must admit that sometimes I might be a little slow. So, what I'm saying is, this might take a minute. See you on the flip-side lovelies!

Gold stars to anyone who can name where I got my post title from.


Friday, October 24, 2014

I'm just a soul who's intentions are good

I'm at least a day late and a few stitches short. Seems to be the story of me these days. I mean well, really I do, but something keeps interrupting my intention and taking my attention away from the work at hand.

I know I'm just a week away from the deadline for Pony Girl's costume, yikes! I'm close though, really close. I can do it. And no, it's not coming together as I envisioned, but that is ok. I got started on the wrong path, I know that now. Making mistakes shows that you're trying right? I always learn something valuable in these situations. The most important lesson I have learned in this is: I wont be making anything like this for at least another year! No, that can't be it. The most important lesson is that my girl is a little bit smitten with it so far, and that makes it a success. It's all about perspective. Yeah, that's it!

I had also intended to show you how I drafted a pattern to recreate this sweet vintage child's apron that a dear friend sent to me. I have drafted the pattern and cut out the fabric (I'm planning to make a reversible version), but no stitching has occurred. So yes, I'll have to update you on that another time.

So for now I am wishing you all a beautiful weekend!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Rainy Days and Mondays

It seems the rain is well and truly here now, the scent of pumpkin flavored everything is in the air, and things have started ramping up for the coming season.

I haven't planted the garlic, or my bulbs, so there may yet be some digging in the mud soon.

The bread baking has begun and slow cooked comforting meals are happening again.

Oh, that reminds me, I need to add cocoa to the shopping list!

I'm pulling out the sweaters, Pony Girl needs some new rain boots, and has anyone seen my winter hat?

It's harder to get out of bed in the morning when it's dark out, especially on a Monday.

Happy week all!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

In the garden - Seeds of sharing

"Most immigrants to North America did not come with treasures of gold in their pockets, but treasures of a botanical nature – seeds. Seeds so important they were sewn into the hems of dresses or into the brims of hats. Immigrants experienced a full spectrum of emotions from fear to hope to delight; emotions that vacillated with every ocean wave during their long voyage. They had the security of seeds from their familiar garden plants as they planted a new life." 

Do you garden? Do you save seeds? Do you share them?

I'm finally getting around to organizing my seeds saved from the garden this Summer. I do love sharing seeds of plants that I am particularly fond of. This year my favorite was from a Charentais melon. I bought the plant from a local organic nursery and saved the seeds from the best of the fruit. I promised to share some of the seed with friends and family. Along with other seeds of course.

I have a few friends with whom I trade seeds. When I plant the seeds from a friend, I always think fondly of the resulting plant as, "Oh, that's Amy's Marigold, or, those are Crystal's scarlet runner beans." I like that my garden is such a friendly place.

It is a good thing to save and share seeds. If you would like to learn more head on over the Seed Savers Exchange!

I figure, if the seeds are special, why not send them on to new homes in special packets. So I thought I'd show you some of mine in case you were so inclined to do something similar.

This is a muslin tea bag filled with seeds and closed with a fold and a simple embroidery running stitch and a tag with all the information about the seed.

There are also a ton of free printable templates online that you can print onto any paper. I printed mine onto an old and crumpled brown paper bag. I used the template from HERE. If you search the internet for "seed packet templates" you'll find lots to choose from and blank ones you can add your own design to. You just cut it out, fold along folding lines, glue into place and voila!

You can easily sew up a little seed pocket (you all know how much I love a handy dandy pocket). I chose some cheerful vintage feed sack material and used a vintage blue button tied with embroidery thread for a closure. I'll send an info tag along with it.

I even used some parchment paper to stitch as well as fold little packets of seeds. There really are so many possibilities! A great project to do with children as well. 

Saving and sharing seeds really is wonderful and important work.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hello Monday - Frosty

I'm feeling a bit frosty this Monday morning. No, it's not the weather, in fact the sky is about the blue of that ribbon and the sun is shining gloriously. What is frosty is my attitude about this pile of slippery sparkly stuff. Still, I must get over it, I must dive in and get it sorted as the month is whizzing by and in no time I will be out of time. Darn you Elsa!

You see, after having a gander at the pattern, I decided I hated it, it wasn't right you know. So now I've got to re-design some key elements and put in some corset lacing instead of a zipper perhaps, and change the neckline and, and...

Well, it will all be fine. Though if you hear some unladylike language coming from my sewing studio, don't be alarmed.

Happy week all!