Friday, June 11, 2010

Skirting the Issue

Yesterday I wanted to sew. I had a little creative time penciled in but, my studio was a wreck. I'ts over due for it's bi-monthly damage control and frankly, I wasn't in a tidying mood. I looked around the space and spied a big chicken pinned to my board. I thought a minute and remembered some random patchwork strips in a bin close at hand. Just then it hit me, I knew what I needed...

...a little 'Pulp Sewing'!

Oh sure, there are a dozen projects that have been percolating, waiting for their day. Like the shirt I've been wanting to finally make for myself, or the dress pattern for Pony Girl I need to start drafting, and then there's that exquisite 100 year old hand woven linen and hemp cloth my mother so generously gifted to me!

However, all that would require a clean working space, an uncluttered cutting table, the gathering of tools and implements, preparation and an acutely focused vision. None of which I had to any degree.

Still, my fingers itched, my iron was steaming, my snippers snapped and lo 'Pulp Sewing'away!

I figure it's the crafty version of light reading, mindless TV, or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner.

I made skirts! Skirts for the girl. Nothing quite as easy to make on the fly, requiring no pattern and little effort, good for using up bits of this and that, purely simple and lovely skirts for a little girl. Very satisfying.

And Fashionista approved!

Well, I'm off to get ready for the weekend. I have plans to cross the border and meet up face to face with a blog buddy of the utmost kind! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Wendy said...

The chicken skirt is awesome!

Colette said...

What great skirts - nothing like sewing something unplanned to make your day feel complete.

Have a great weekend x

june at noon said...

What GREAT skirts! You may have done some "light" sewing, but the end result is still fantastic.

Katiebee said...

she is the cutest little person~

how lucky she is to have a mama that can make such unique clothes!
lovin her boots~

Vic said...

Ah they're both fabbo - and Pong Girl just CAN'T get any cuter, I mean, she just can't!

I couldn't pick a favourite if my life depended on it (can you imagine THAT situation?), but 'pulp sewing' is grand, I like that, I do.

Have a great weekend Sweetness!


PS My verification word is 'arsern' which I found both amusing and disturbing... ;)

Sherri B. said...

Pony girl is certainly cute in her new skirts and Kona seems to approve of your work. He really does look just like our Frederick (wise in all matters). Have a good trip up north, I just passed by there a few hours ago and the weather was pretty good.

Mel said...

Oh they are cute (as it your little model!) .. Gorgeous work, I love it when creative projects just happen like that (although I'm no where near as creative as you!) .. Thanks for being inspiring! Mel xox

Kate said...

That chicken...ahhh that chicken...I love her!
I so get that need do sew something but can't be bothered cleaning/drafting/measuring/planning thing. Great skirts, lucky pony gal.

Maya Kuzman said...

Just lovely! Love the colours, the combination, the appliques - the lot! Especially the doilied skirt. I made my daughter a blouse with a doily and it's her favourite!

Катаринка said...

what a beauty!!!!!!))))))))

harmony and rosie said...

The skirts are both so stunning I'm not sure which I like best but PG certainly looks very pleased with herself and I'm not at all surprised. Hope you had a great weekend

lifeshighway said...

I especially love the little pink skirt with the ruffle effect. Pony girl can rock some boots.

Cut&Alter said...

LOVE the skirts - it's great to have 'no think projects' to just do eh? Your work space sounds a bit like mine at mo ..... x

Tania said...

Love 'em! But now I need advice on quite how to manage the Fashionista Approval bit.

Anonymous said...

Wow!These are lovely skirts.Well may I know what hemp patterns have being used for making these skirts?

Anonymous said...

the girl has got a style all her own - hope she keeps it through the growing years!