Monday, September 14, 2009

Mama Needs a Brand New Bag

Do you see this beautiful piece of vintage fabric? Gorgeous isn't it? It's not quite a barkcloth, but similar. This is from my mother's collection, in absolute pristine condition. The story goes like this; my mother entrusted this fabric to my care in order that I should make her a bag. Once the commission was complete, I was to keep some of this beauty stuff for myself, very generous thanks mom. I believe the bargain was struck well over a year ago and still, no bag. Oh woe indeed, I am a neglectful daughter of the most confounding sort. Considering that my mother (who reads this blog regularly - Hi Mom!) has been contributing to my fabric collection on a regular basis for years. She has nearly single handedly supplied me with a vintage fabric stash that is the envy of all my chums.

I'm not quite sure what the hold up has been. Of course I want it to be perfect, of course I don't want to mess up her 'favorite piece of fabric ever', and be completely honest, sometimes I am easily distracted.

So, this is my current mission; to create a bag of the loveliest kind. A bag worthy of this stellar fabric and of my stellar Mom. I think I can, I think I can...
Thank you mom for being so terribly patient and for enabling my fabric addiction. I love you lots!


diane said...

nice stash! can't wait to see the finished product!! :)

CurlyPops said...

That fabric is gorgeous!

Michele said...

You have to make it now! It is lovely fabric! I'm sure you will do it justice. No pressure! LOL! Does your mom need another daughter to unload fabric on?!

lifeshighway said...

I absolutely love that fabric. I am sadden to hear it is vintage and not a "retro" pattern. Can't wait to see the bag.

dottie angel said...

this story sounds so familiar... every year my mother gives me a stash of doilies and lace she has been collecting on my behalf. and every year as she parts with the stash, she adds "and this doily here, i think would be lovely on a bag for me". now the truth be told she does have two of my bags already but i fear the doilies she has particular attachment to are now lost forever in my 'mess of a cupboard'...
i feel for your lovely mum and for all other mums out there, that sit patiently waiting for a piece of 'crafting goodness' to come from their offspring :) and never ever complaining...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Diane didn't say something about the Mickey Mouse fleece she gave me years ago to trim the edges and make a blanket for her...she even had some "Made by Mom" labels. This story does not even HAVE an ending! She ended up paying someone else to do it. I hope I do better for my grandson-on-the-way!!!!

Don't let your Mom down!

Nancy in Iowa