Thursday, October 15, 2009

Practice Makes Better

Well, the weather has definitely turned. Cold, gray and wet. You would think it was perfect weather for crafting but, I have what appears to be a crafting block. I seem to be a bit stuck. This is terrible timing as I have a shop to keep hopping and holidays coming up. Still, it seems I keep busying myself with the housecleaning and laundry. So, we shall have to ride out the slump and hope for craftier days.

In the meantime...I have been practicing my crochet. I decided I would keep it simple and make a bunch of squares to be put together later. This method is improving my stitch consistency however, the first squares are tight and small compared to the later squares so...I may end up with a small wonky blanket in the end. Wish me luck.


Pomona said...

Well, it looks quite neat to me! And a lovely range of colours. I think simple repetitive work is great for such a situation - in fact, I am sure I have read that knitting is good for depression for that very reason - it has a good effect on the mind!

Pomona x

Farmgirl Cyn said...

They look good to me also. And a bit of "wonky" is not so bad!

june at noon said...

I'm right there with you, riding out the slump. For me, it seems that if I can push myself to do one small, creative thing, even if it's just thinking about a potential project, I eventually get this gigantic burst of creative energy and I'm off and running.

It seems that this year my creativity is closely linked to the weather. Last year I was very crafty during the fall and winter, but I was 8/9 months pregnant, so we'll just assume I was nesting. ;)

Pia K said...

they look very sweet, the colours are so relaxing. and if not a blanket they will look quite lovely as pot holders too you know...:)

Aussie-waffler said...

I think your stitching looks super.

Tania said...

Small and wonky means handcrafted from the heart - just take my word for it!

Anonymous said...

I can sew, I can crochet. It's KNITTING that has ME flummoxed. I just CAN'T seem to sort it out. Bah. And also, I live about an hour from a fabric store, and I don't drive... so I'm at a crafting standstill because of lack of materials.... sob sob. I just ordered a bunch online... I hate when you WANT to make something but don't have the goods. Urgh. Good luck with the crafters block... hope it comes to an end soon!

Mare said...

i think your squares look wonderful! Who wants their hand made things to look like machine made things? Each square looking a little different makes it a one of a kind thing! Some of the best advice i got in life was from my high school art teacher who looked at my painting and said "Mare, if you are so set on reproducing everything you paint exactly as it is, then why don't you take a photography class instead?" Food for problems is, by the time i get done with chores around here, i'm too tired to do any of the millions of things that are rolling around in my head, wanting to get made!Oh well,,, we'll work it out, right?